10th June

…2016 – CHW Off to the Royal Cornwall Show where four stands have to be visited and time taken to support:Burncoose Nurseries stand had won a Gold Medal and Justin…

27th February

…Tennis Court beside the path. Camellia ‘Little Bit’ Camellia ‘Little Bit’ Rhododendron spinuliferum like we saw last week at Trewithen. Gold red colour but not full out yet. This is…

16th June

…‘Rainbow’ or Cornus kousa ‘Gold Star’. I am simply not sure and the US reference book is of no help. We will just have to watch for flowers (none) and…

11th May

…Latin names on everything. This is a major issue with the judges and ‘the odd mistake’ is no good and no gold medal! More importantly, we select half a dozen…

11th April

…williamsii ‘JC Williams’ Camellia x williamsii ‘JC Williams’ Magnolia ‘Tranquility’ (quite dull) just opening. Magnolia brooklynensis ‘Woodsman’ x Magnolia ‘Gold Star’. Magnolia ‘Tranquility’ Magnolia ‘Tikitere’ not at all bad. Magnolia…

10th November

…this plant has flowered here. Wonderful brown/black/gold indumentum on the underside of its small leaves. Asia should try to propagate this. Magnolia grandiflora ‘Kay Parris’ Magnolia grandiflora ‘Kay Parris’ An…

5th June

…The first hydrangea into flower – as usual Hydrangea ‘Madame E. Mouilliere’. Hydrangea ‘Madame E. Mouilliere’ Philadelphus coronarius and Metasequoia glyptostroboides ‘Gold Rush’. Philadelphus coronarius Cornus kousa var. chinensis and…

4th June

…Magnolia globosa is short lived but this is the Chyverton form with delicious furry golden indumentum to the new growth. I may be wrong but I think it is the…