5th March

…be ‘Bishop Michael’. Magnolias Magnolias Magnolias Camellia ‘Fairy Wand’ Camellia ‘Fairy Wand’ Cotoneaster floccosus with berries. Cotoneaster floccosus Cotoneaster floccosus Cotoneaster floccosus A new sculpture entitled ‘The Green Man’ on…

6th December

…this year. Gingko biloba The unnamed record sized Camellia x williamsii is well out high up in the rain. Camellia x williamsii Plenty of green leaf still left on Magnolia…

8th October

…similar Betula utilis subsp. albosinensis ‘Bowling Green’. Both original plants were Wilson introductions in 1910 (W4106) which grew at Werrington. One is, I believe, now dead but I gave Mike…

31st March

…An unnamed evergreen symplocos species. Not Symplocos dryophylla but not that different. unnamed evergreen symplocos Rhododendron ‘Red Admiral’ still putting on a good show six to eight weeks after first…

7th December

…Sorbus dunnii still covered in fruits. Only planted a year or so ago. Sorbus dunnii A good few young evergreen trees blown over in the gales here and there. evergreen

29th December

…pheasant The evergreen azaleas in Kennel Close have a winter garb which glows red in the sun. evergreen azaleas 2015 – CHW Magnolia ‘Betty Jessel’ still has nearly all its…

26th December

…good lunch at Burncoose yesterday.Azalea ‘Greenway’ with quite a few pale flowers above the greenhouse. Secondary flowers. Azalea ‘Greenway’ Azalea ‘Greenway’ A few rather insipid flowers emerging on Rhododendron ‘Christmas…

14th October

…Close. The rest are all still green. Carpinus caroliniana Carpinus caroliniana Photinia niitakayamensis with its first cluster of fruits that I have seen. Hilliers describe these as ‘pinkish-red’ but they…

20th June

…living up to its name. No sign of fading to green here. Staphylea colchica ‘Black Beauty’ Indigofera himachalensis (from Roundabarrow nurseries) flowering properly for the first time. A vigorous and…

23rd December

…Cotoneaster glabratus seems to be evergreen as a young plant and becomes deciduous with age. Cotoneaster glabratus Then to the greenhouse. Plenty of buds on the very rare (but said…