4th December

snow so far, not much frost. Geraniums holding on. Lapagerias several. Camellia sasanqua a few. Some roses. We have lately had real rain in a dry autumn. 1904 – JCW…

14th April

…Rhododendron ‘Snow Lady’ (ciliatum x leucaspis) are just going over in the big glasshouse. No scent left. Rhododendron ‘Snow Lady’ Michelia ‘Fairy Blush’ is full out and I have not…

4th October

…Camellia ‘Snow Flurry’ Camellia ‘Snow Flurry’ Camellia ‘Shinonome’ is the first japonica out. Camellia ‘Shinonome’ Camellia sasanqua (cuttings from the 100 year old plants here) are surprisingly still in bud.Camellia…

9th August

…triphyllum Plenty of berries on a female form of Ilex cornuta. Ilex cornuta Magnolia ‘Cleopatra’ covered in secondary flowers as it was last year. Magnolia ‘Cleopatra’ Hoheria stylosa ‘Snow White’…

29th March

…bouts of snow and the worst weather since 1979.Amazing how many two year old camellias have been sold in six weeks. One side of this tunnel was completely full in…

31st December

…the cold vernalised snowdrops into springing into flower but we have had only 1 days frost (a month ago) this winter. snowdrops A primrose on Christmas Day and now, suddenly,…

19th October

Snow’ Camellia ‘Cornish Snow’ Camellia ‘Takanini’ Camellia ‘Takanini’ Rhus glabra with a flower but, as yet, no autumn colour. Rhus glabra 2019 – CHW Camellia sasanqua ‘Sparkling Burgundy’ just out…

3rd November

…Camellia ‘Cornish Snow’. Camellia ‘Cornish Snow’ The unnamed Camellia x williamsii on the drive is well out (as usual) in early November. The larger plant outside the front gate is…

RHS Savill Garden – Flower Show Pictures – 2018

…Rhododendron ‘P J Mezzit’ Rhododendron ‘P J Mezzit’ Rhododendron ‘Snow Lady’ Rhododendron ‘Snow Lady’ Prunus incisa ‘Odariko’ Prunus incisa ‘Odariko’ Prunus incisa ‘Odariko’ Rhododendron barbatum (Needham 473) Rhododendron barbatum (Needham…

26th December

…good. Roses some good yet snow but no real frost. Geraniums uncut. 1905 – JCW Ericas open, C imperati just. Colour on the snowdrops. Frost and damp day stopped rose….