4th July

…are turning pink almost immediately. No big September show this year. Hydrangea paniculata ‘Vanille Fraise’ Rhododendron ‘Harrow Hybrids’ now full out on Hovel Cart Road. Rhododendron ‘Harrow Hybrids’ Calycanthus ‘Aphrodite’…

21st July

…the cotoneasters out. 1932 – JCW Ivey’s Escallonia is nearly open, some fair Griersonianum, some useful Eriogynum. Big Mag parviflora is V.G. Romneya is good. Jasmine pillar V.G indeed. Fuchsia…

8th January

…Probably a Nothofagus alpina. small Nothofagus Camellia ‘Mary Costa’ is well out by the big Acer griseum. Camellia ‘Mary Costa’ 1991 – FJW Very wet, very mild and stormy since…

11th February

…single flower bud this year on their big Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ by the back door. First time it has missed out for 20 years. I wonder why? Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ Some general…

2nd July

…Eriogynums nearly over. Hogweed of 8ft picked. Cinnabarinum hybrids near greenhouse good. 1931 – JCW Harrow hybrids are remarkable, great big tree shrubs and really refined pinks in many colours….

14th August

…too depressing to go out and look at dieing plants. Even so its still nowhere near as bad as 1976 when all the mature big leafed rhododendrons were killed. Magnolia…

5th January

big batch of stuff in the Old Park planted 12 months ago, it might stand nearly two years now, and not suffer very much. 1916 – JCW The white C…

18th November

…Enkianthus serrulatus Enkianthus serrulatus Enkianthus serrulatus Styrax tonkinensis (WWJ11868) is going to be a big tree if it is hardy enough. Some side branches have died already and I cut…

18th July

…– FJW Only dry spell has been Wimbledon (21st June – 4th July). Since then very wet. 1971 – FJW Charles cut the big bramble in the Drive Azalea –…

10th February

…Either of these worth a name? Probably not but worth watching as they come out properly in February. That is really the point as no other big leafed rhododendron species…