29th July

…the sea. Lomatia fraseri Tetracentron sinense var. himalense (WJC 13618) is becoming interesting. The leaves are tiny in comparison to T. sinense and they are clustered much more closely together….

12th June

var. hayatiana. Styrax formosanus var. hayatiana Also on Styrax wuyuanensis. Styrax wuyuanensis 2020 – CHW Rhododendron auriculatum just out but very few flowers after two dry summers and little new…

22nd January

…williamsii ‘Mary Jobson’ and the scent is good today. Camellia x williamsii ‘Mary Jobson’ 2020 – CHW I looked at Magnolia campbellii var. alba ‘Strybing White’ last Sunday and there…

21st September

…dozen stripping one large Cornus capitata tree. Cornus kousa var. chinensis ‘Wisley Queen’ Cornus kousa var. chinensis ‘Wisley Queen’ 2018 – CHW Cercidiphyllum japonicum ‘Strawberry’ displaying its superb autumn colour…

5th August

…abies ‘Pumila’ – a huge clump. Picea abies ‘Pumila’ Ilex hookeri. Ilex hookeri Populus szechuan var. tibetica. Populus szechuan var. tibetica Populus szechuan var. tibetica Zanthoxylum planispinum with seed heads…

6th April

…flower and quite extraordinary (from Roy Lancaster) by the playhouse. One which Asia should be propagating. Aucuba himalaica var. dolichrylla Aucuba himalaica var. dolichrylla Lindera aggregata just coming into flower….

31st January

…watching but suddenly Rhododendron arboreum ssp. delavayi var. albotomentosum is nicely out. Rhododendron arboreum ssp. delavayi var. albotomentosum Rhododendron arboreum ssp. delavayi var. albotomentosum Oemleria cerasiformis out with its first…

11th July

…trunk of Styrax formosanus var. formosanus. Styrax formosanus var. formosanus A now completely dead oak tree at Donkey Shoe which will have to come down. dead oak tree Sadly Rehderodendron…

19th November

…discolor Asterotrichion discolor Asterotrichion discolor Camellia ‘Desire’ full out in the cash point. Camellia ‘Desire’ Lapageria rosea var. albiflora in full flower in a pot for planting out at Caerhays….

21st October

var. notabilis Photinia beauverdiana var. notabilis The first two seed pods from the first ever flowering of Rehderodendron indochinense. These remain a pale green but fell off into my hand…