10th June

…Design. 1902 – JCW Habranthus is now very good, moved the big lot of Polyanthus primroses. None of the waterlilies show flower yet, a few Arums about, a very cold…

10th January

…and miserable big leaved rhododendron nearby. rhododendron Ilex laevigata is a deciduous species with good autumn colour from the Eastern USA. For above the Dog Kennels I think. Supplied by…

12th September

…white berries but only a small growing shrub. Sorbus prattii First flowers now just out on Vitex agnus – castus. Vitex agnus – castus A bigger crop of seed heads…

27th July

…Buddleias goodish. Romneya at its best. Plagianthus at its best. R ungernii fair. Daffs big and small are about sorted out. 1914 – JCW Buddleias going over. 1898 – JCW…

28th February

…A big clump of Erica arborea full out and strongly scented as the evening draws in. Showing colour on New Year’s Day it is only now at its best. Erica…

25th July

…– big flower and quite unusual. Crocosmia ‘Okavango’ Crocosmia ‘Okavango’ Geranium ‘Eureka Blue’ – another nice blue but the name might sell it. Geranium ‘Eureka Blue’ Geranium ‘Eureka Blue’ Geranium…

7th September

…good and so the cassia, roses in 3 beds also, and the big group of hydrangeas are just taking a fine colour. There is little else but the lapagerias which…

7th June

…for Scotland, far behind the above. 1897 – JCW The first Tropaeolum speciosum opens, a lot of waterlilies on the big pond out, young shoots of nigra 8 feet high….

24th February

…travesty which is only spared being cut down as we need a big tall plant here for when the Pinus insignis opposite it is felled or falls over. young bought…

6th September

…but not this early! Acer rufinerve ‘Erythrocladum’ Magnolia campbellii ‘Valentine’s Torch’ with its first big crop of seeds. As a very early flowerer it normally sees its flowers frosted. Well…