27th November

…full leaf. Magnolia campbellii ‘Alba’ Beside it Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ has nearly shed all its leaves. Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ The blue undersides of the leaves of Magnolia virginiana ‘Satellite’ show up in…

16th March

…get much larger and a deeper blue. Rhaphithamnus spinosus The original Magnolia ‘Kew’s Surprise’ in the Rookery is a very good colour this year. Magnolia ‘Kew’s Surprise’ Another view from…

17th May

…does not appear yet to have any variegated leaves but very blue buds. Magnolia acuminata ‘Variegata’ Rhododendron griffithianum full out. Sadly last year’s layers have been nibbled off by something…

Irish trip April 2018

…drive. Not much garden here but: Scilla as a carpet like bluebells. Thicker and larger than I have seen before. Scilla Scilla Fritillaria full out amid the scilla as well….

23rd April

…are in for a ‘splash’ and not a soak.Mixed colours on the bluebells naturalising on the bank above the front door. bluebells Magnolia ‘Butterbowl’ just out. Magnolia ‘Butterbowl’ Magnolia ‘Butterbowl’…

18th April

…and Spanish. bluebells bluebells A good clump of now wild (but once cultivated) pinkish bluebells. pinkish bluebells pinkish bluebells Rhododendron ‘Fragrantissimum’ just emerging into flower in the border opposite the…

22nd May

Blue Lagoon restaurant in the old fire station in Kings Road where we observed innumerable bright young things strutting their stuff. Highlight was the arrival of some film star (who…

8th March

…Ruby’ x ‘F J Williams’ Tom Hudson’s gift of three Rhododendron ririei have never looked better. Rhododendron ririei Bluebells well up. Bluebells Narcissus cyclamineus looking very fine in the sun….

16th May

…group of Rhododendron floccigerum on from the front gate. Rhododendron floccigerum Four species of Carpinus well into leaf on Sinogrande Walk. Carpinus henryana ‘Simplicidentata’ (a gift from Bluebell Nursery) –…

27th April

…‘Butterflies’ against a blue sky. Magnolia ‘Butterflies’ Rhododendron platypodum is now out. We have been watering the newly planted rhodos twice a week and this has helped produce decent flowers…