9th November

…Flurry’ and ‘Winter’s Snowman’ are very similar and both could be out. Camellia ‘Winters Joy’ (Camellia sasanqua x Camellia oleifera) just coming out. Camellia ‘Winters Joy’ Camellia ‘Snow Flurry’ (Camellia…

8th April

…4ft tall after a cold winter. Hydrangea lobbii Hydrangea lobbii Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Silver King’ leafing up nicely. The silver variegation is irregular. Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Silver King’ Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Silver King’…

23rd July

…I have twice failed to get going on the top wall here. Tripterygium regelii Tripterygium regelii Magnolia conifera var. chingii. Ours blew over last winter having finally achieved flowering size….

22nd November

…First snow of winter. 1964 – FJW Charles found Moupinense hyb near Niveum in flower. 1 flower on November Pink. Many flowers on R nobleanum and repens in Rockery. 1963…

12th June

…excellent. A pretty normal year with mercifully little winter or spring frost. Griersonianums exceptionally good. 1899 – JCW Habranthus pratensis out, R edgeworthi and gibsoni, a big lot of roses,…

3rd September

…CHW Fat rounded seeds on Styrax hookeri. Not many flowers this year but more seed than I expected. Styrax hookeri Laburnocytisus adamii fell over last winter but was cut and…

2nd August

…to harden off before winter. Quercus liebmannii Quercus liebmannii The sun catches the undersides of the leaves of Rhododendron ‘Sir Charles Lemon’ below Hovel Cart Road. Rhododendron ‘Sir Charles Lemon’…

29th January

…growth last year all on Sinogrande walk. big leafed rhododendrons big leafed rhododendrons big leafed rhododendrons big leafed rhododendrons Tree fern fronds frosted more than for several winters by the…

28th January

…nice. A few daffs are about, R nobleanum has every flower open and perfect. A very mild winter up to this. 1914 – JCW Quite a late year so far…

22nd September

…today in balmy weather still. Now just the house martin droppings to brush up and stop them blocking any culverts through the roof over the winter. The trunk of the…