15th August

autumn planting. Corylus chinensis with enormous hazel leaves. Corylus chinensis Calycanthus ‘Venus’. Calycanthus ‘Venus’ Mahonia eurybracteata with its first flowers. Mahonia eurybracteata We saw this Lysionotus pauciflorus (BSWJ 335) in…

28th January

…and contrary to what I had seen in the autumn the Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ by the Georgian Hall has no buds at all for this year. I fear some have dropped…

3rd April

…Prunus ‘Shirotae’ on the drive now full out. Prunus ‘Shirotae’ Prunus ‘Shirotae’ Clearing up stumps around this beech tree which split in half last autumn. Clearing up stumps Clearing up…

11th December

…magnolia tunnel all tidy and relabelled. magnolia tunnel Larger camellias all restocked with smart new colour labels. Larger camellias The climber tunnel beautifully tidy – briefly! climber tunnel Unusual autumn

29th June

autumn. Sizygium smithii First flower on a newly planted Viburnum fansipanense. Viburnum fansipanense We always knew that this Michelia compressa was mislabelled when sold to us. It has struggled to…

24th August

…Eucryphia cordifolia full out. Eucryphia cordifolia The weakest of the 5 young Magnolia ‘Caerhays Splendours’ on the bank has partial leaf drop but the other 4 look well. Magnolia ‘Caerhays…

9th May

…the purple undersides to its leaves which are also quite outstanding. Disanthus cercidifolius is a plant noted for its autumn colours which we have failed to grow despite three attempts….

1st March

…Illicium species flower in spring, summer and autumn. Illicium philippinense (CWJ 12466) Illicium philippinense (CWJ 12466) 2022 – CHW Asia has been busy with our magnolia grafting and air layering….

16th May

…to collect in the autumn as I suspect these plants are nearing the end of their lives when they set seed like this. Rhododendron tethropeplum A small newly planted clump…

19th April

…planted in the autumn in the Kitchen Garden. Malus ‘Evereste’ Our largest Magnolia stellata ‘Jane Platt’ (syn. ‘Rosea’) near Rogers Quarry. Magnolia stellata ‘Jane Platt’ Even the youngest Embothriums are…