15th July

…Magnolia aff floribunda var tonkinense and is a Crug wild collected plant flowering for the first time. Despite its name it is clearly a manglietia and no relation (really) to…

16th November

…has some decent autumn colour still in place. Another young Stewartia sinensis A young Stewartia pseudocamellia var koreana is not bad either. Stewartia pseudocamellia var koreana Pterostyrax triloba is however…

6th November

…Flandre’. Azalea ‘Rose de Flandre’ Acer truncatum var. barbinerve (BSWJ 8806) does not have any significant autumn colour. Acer truncatum var. barbinerve 2019 – CHW Yet another filthy wet day…

12th November

…hookeriana var. digyna. It will not be long. Sarcocca hookeriana var. digyna 2017 – CHW The elderly Camellia sasanqua ‘Narumigata’ on the top wall is full of flower and doing…

11th November

…in cold east winds. Hoheria populnea ‘Variegata’ Hoheria populnea ‘Variegata’ Hoheria populnea nearby is over but one branch on ‘Variegata’ has reverted to having no variegation. Hoheria populnea Last petals…

7th November

…similar severe damage in their gardens at the dinner the night before last.Caerhays exhibited seed of Magnolia nitida, seed of Photinia beauvardiana var. notabilis and fruits of Cotoneaster moupinense. The…

14th August

…fruits ripening as you can see. Rubus setchuenensis Rubus setchuenensis Rubus setchuenensis Rubus setchuenensis Rubus setchuenensis This Magnolia sprengeri var. diva ‘Burncoose’ died in the droughts and was cut down….

5th February

…in a hot spot. Pimelea drupacea Pimelea drupacea Another big batch of plants picked out for various different planting areas in the near future from the greenhouse and frames. Not…

7th August

…foliage contrast. Agapanthus ‘Silver Moon’ 2020 – CHW After two days of welcome rain and drizzle everything looks fresh. The very pink and pale form of Hydrangea aspera var. sargentiana…

26th August

…annual GWCT Clay Shoot A virtually leafless Magnolia sprengeri ‘Diva’ var. ‘Burncoose’. If it survives there will be severe die back and pruning to do. Magnolia sprengeri ‘Diva’ var. ‘Burncoose’…