9th September

…is an evergreen from South East Australia. This is the second time we have flowered it here as it becomes a large bush. I had not seen the attractive peeling…

26th February

…late sun catching the topmost branches 100ft up. Magnolia campbellii Magnolia campbellii Rhododendron sutchuenense suddenly full out too and quite excellent. Rhododendron sutchuenense Rhododendron sutchuenense Prunus ‘Okame’ by the Green

8th June

…to green leaves. Philadelphus coronarius ‘Variegatus’ Philadelphus coronarius ‘Variegatus’ Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Diabolo’ – as good a specimen in flower as I have seen. Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Diabolo’ Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Diabolo’ A…

7th September

…has fared a little worse but has survived. Nearer the top of the banks above the greenhouse and in full sun. Cercidiphyllum japonicum ‘Strawberry’ A young Sorbus hedlundii (ex Roundabarrow)…

7th June

…planted in the Rockery two years ago has two flowers. Pentapterigium serpens Cornus kousa ‘Wolf Eyes’ flowering away outside the front gate. The root stock with green leaves has overtaken…

17th June

…else. Evergreen azalea Evergreen azalea Deutzia subulata is just going over. A Roy Lancaster introduction. Deutzia subulata Deutzia subulata Deutzia pulchra is nearly out. A much more vigorous Lancaster introduction…

11th January

…has well developed flower clusters for the spring as well as equally impressive clusters of not quite yet ripe seeds. Some brown but mostly still green. Pieris forrestii ‘Forrest Flame’…

5th September

…yunnanensis ‘Summer Snowflake’ Contrastingly, Kalopanax septemlobus has far less gigantic seed heads than we saw last year. The seeds rather resemble ivy and are still quite green. Kalopanax septemlobus 2018…

21st February

…a tractor were to drive too near to the edge. landslide More burning up of fallen trees by the Green Gate. burning up Acacia melanoxylon just out above the front…

28th October

…Fothergilla major Eucommia ulmoides – a dull yellow and green but nice close up. Diospyros lotus – another yellow of some merit. Diospyros lotus Callicarpa kwangtungensis – mauve/violet fruits as…