19th May

…fully. Azalea ‘Purple Splendour’ Azalea ‘Purple Splendour’ The Echium pininana on the lawn photographed after the winter gales looked black and nearly dead – today they are 20ft tall and…

25th May

…reshooting on the record Magnolia ‘Cecil Nice’ which fell over in a gale and was pollarded last winter. Magnolia ‘Cecil Nice’ Firmania simplex struggling into leaf. At Ventnor Botanic’s this…

3rd December

…Rhododendron nobleanums are now full out on the drive and making quite a decent display. No sign yet of its lovely hybrid, ‘Winter Intruder’, though. Rhododendron nobleanums The unnamed x…

19th March

…ours The hybrid of ours A carpet of fallen flowers under Rhododendron ‘Winter Intruder’. carpet of fallen flowers 2022 – CHW A cold east wind is not doing the magnolias…

2nd June

…in the new Isla Rose Plantation. I fear it is not in the right place and needs moving next winter. Acer macrophyllum Pterocarya macroptera var insignis does not look terribly…

18th March

…‘Maisie’ 2022 – CHW Camellia japonica ‘Kerguelen’ with its variegated foliage looking better than usual after winter. Only small flowers. Camellia japonica ‘Kerguelen’ Camellia japonica ‘Kerguelen’ Camellia reticulata ‘Miss Tulare’…

28th November

…Blaze’ Tilia cordata ‘Winter Orange’ below White Styles below White Styles All now planted and wired up with deer and rabbit protection. wired up This should one day make a…

21st May

…used to be allowed to call it triloba. A first flower on this young plant. The one down Bond Street has, I think, died over the winter. Pterostyrax psilophyllus var….

Visit to Tregrehan – 5th October

…I have ever seen fan trained on a wall. A Cydonia rather than a Chaenomeles. quince Hedychium thrysiforme in the greenhouse. Needs heat in winter but attractive. Hedychium thrysiforme Osmanthus…

20th May

…African Halleria lucida too tender to grow outside but here it has survived its second winter. Halleria lucida I have been trying to find where I had planted Viburnum hoangliense…