28th November

…Blaze’ Tilia cordata ‘Winter Orange’ below White Styles below White Styles All now planted and wired up with deer and rabbit protection. wired up This should one day make a…

25th May

…government/ local authority officials ‘inundated with work’ but, in reality, working from home when they feel like it (seldom!) Yet another public “service” which is not functioning at all (despite…

4th June

…gales.Picea breweriana making great headway by the stables. A slow and awkward tree to get going which needs careful staking initially. A variable plant if grown from seed but this…

26th May

…calycosa ‘Dali’ Deutzia calycosa ‘Dali’ Ash trees by Tin Garden not looking well. Ash dieback disease is starting here. Ash trees Eucalyptus crenulata out in flower. Eucalyptus crenulata Azalea ‘Rosebud’…

6th June

…the locals so batten down the hatches on social media. No overnight parking will now mean you get fined rather than a bollocking or being moved on.No need to lock…

27th May

…either way. This ridiculous lockdown must end soon! Bankruptcy looms on a multitude of fronts and Brexit will soon be widely blamed too for making the economy worse. What a…

8th May

…Cream’ Michelia ‘Fairy White’ – just a very few tail end flowers. Michelia ‘Fairy White’ The full extent of the area for new planting in Old Park is now revealed….

10th December

…‘Winton’ is a light pink and ‘Cornish Snow’ a pure white. I prefer the white! Alongside ‘Winton’, quite literally, and totally unknown previously to me, is what I assume from…

21st August

…magnolia ‘Caerhays Splendour’ The sad remains of the flowers of Hydrangea ‘Ayesha’. Shrivelled and rejected. Hydrangea ‘Ayesha’ Strangely the 20 autumn planted Matsumae cherries below White Styles are all fine…

6th October

…Caerhays (white) and Burncoose (pink) plants are clearly not the true species with huge white egg shaped flowers. Tom’s original plant is in his greenhouses. Camellia granthamiana Camellia granthamiana Lithocarpus…