April 2024 Ireland Trip (Day 2)

…original Chaenomeles x superba ‘Rowallane’ is a vivid scarlet or is it orange/ red? A chance seedling originally found at Rowallane. We saw the Hypericum ‘Rowallane’ nearby but it was…

12th February

…about. 1911 – JCW Very few daffs, snowdrops very good and the aconite, coums also. 7 flowers of Mag clusii open, some of Mag hybrid. Scarlet Rhodo’s show colour, one…

1st July

…opinion but no mention of this in the article. Secondly the Caerhays plant has intense scarlet then almost black autumn colour. Rather better than described in Hillier’s who say autumn…

22nd October

…1943 – CW Double white Camellia below Engine House out – also some Cornish Scarlet and a lot of Yellow Hammer – Sasanqua in full flower on wall. Mag delavayi…

13th August

…Cyrtanthus elatus, the Scarborough Lily, greets us at The Cottage in Yorkshire. Another tender South African lily of some note with scarlet flowers. Cyrtanthus elatus The field has not been…

13th July

…18 months ago, quite a crop of wildflowers.Anthemis arvensis, corn camomile, is a common arable field weed which is an annual. Anthemis arvensis Anthemis arvensis Angallis arvensis, scarlet pimpernel, in…

23rd December

…williamsii camellia seedling First flowers on Azalea ‘Hinomayo’ for Christmas as usual here and at Burncoose. Azalea ‘Hinomayo’ 2015 – CHW Retire to bed. 1978 – FJW Very dry autumn….

7th December

…of flowers if we had sun. Odd flowers of Rho lutescens and intricatum open.1908 – JCW Coums starting, roses nice very, small scarlet border geranium as good as it ever…

13th March

…Calophytum or Fargesii. Young ducks hatched on the pond. 1927 – JCW Much as in 1921 excepting for the absence of most of the flower bud. Lutescens and the scarlet

9th March

…x semperivens, dahuricum, lutescens, keiskii, a form of wardii, floccigerum forms and neriiflorum.1922 – JCW A hardish frost. Some Sutchuenense seedlings are nice. Prunus conradinae very good, scarlet hybrids very…