18th August

…Beauty’ Allium ‘Millennium Lavender Bubbles’ Allium ‘Millennium Lavender Bubbles’ Geranium ‘Hocus Pocus’ with near black leaves. Geranium ‘Hocus Pocus’ 2020 – CHW Sloes forming up nicely but only just colouring…

15th December

…year. Styrax japonicus ‘Pendula’ Leaf shedding on Azalea ‘Caerhays Lavender’ is quite pretty today. Azalea ‘Caerhays Lavender’ A couple of errant secondary flowers on Rhododendron davidsonianum on the hedge of…

5th August

…survivors of five planted in 2009. No flowers on H. quercifolia ‘White Lace’ nearby. Hydrangea quercifolia ‘Burgundy’ which takes its name from the autumn leaf colour. Hydrangea quercifolia ‘Burgundy’ Hydrangea…

29th August

…First flowers here. Hedychium gardnerianum Hedychium gardnerianum Salix moupinensis is really a smaller version of Salix fargesii but the stems and buds are attractive. Growing in a damp place it…

19th June

…Garden has never shown any inclination to sucker from the base but these young plants have. They have grown well in a windy place with salt sprays proving perhaps that…

Tregrehan Gardens Visit – 15th March 2019

…berries Nothofagus dombeyi trunk Camellia ‘Black Lace’ Dacrycarpus dacrydioides trunk. These are growing as a clump of five trees. Rhododendron frangipanensis in full flower. New species to me. Arbutus canariensis…

8th July

…the lavender lined pergola in the walled garden. Osborne House Osborne House Osborne House Osborne House Osborne House 2020 – CHW I have now rather got the bug for this…

22nd May

…here but we did find green berries under a younger plant of I. dipyrena thus demonstrating that cross pollination can and has taken place.This pictures shows Ilex kingiana in berry…

7th May

…is also in place for the commemorative plaque to Dad. 2018 – CHW A trip around the garden with some shooting friends and clients from St Tudy. No prizes for…

23rd June

…Delphinium ‘Bolero’ is a double lavender blue but not quite out yet. Dwarfish growing. Delphinium ‘Bolero’ We have all voted Brexit in the UK referendum today in the Magnolia Tea…