Royal Cornwall Show – 2022

…Excellence’ – new one to me and not that excellent. Camellia japonica ‘Cornish Excellence’ Camellia japonica ‘Maroon & Gold’ – as you can see! Camellia japonica ‘Maroon & Gold’ Camellia…

26th April

…‘Limelight’ Metasequoia glyptostroboides ‘Gold Rush’ is exquisite as it comes into leaf. What a delicate leaf formation. Metasequoia glyptostroboides ‘Gold Rush’ Rhododendron ‘Emma Williams’ is a good pink colour this…

18th April

…on Corokia x virgata. Corokia x virgata Metasequoia glyptostroboides ‘Gold Rush’ contrasting nicely with Magnolia ‘Limelight’. Metasequoia glyptostroboides ‘Gold Rush’ Philadelphus sericanthus in flower in the greenhouse. Philadelphus sericanthus Philadelphus…

18th May

…cernuus recurvus with its flowers as the name implies. Enkianthus cernuus recurvus Rhododendron ‘Goldsworth’s Yellow’ (or similar). Rhododendron ‘Goldsworth’s Yellow’ Rhododendron griffithianum full out – note the smooth bark. Rhododendron…

3rd December

…The one in more sun and exposure is more or less over. Camellia taliensis Camellia taliensis 2021 – CHW Pruning up the champion (height) Magnolia ‘Gold Star’ to prevent it…

29th May

…in the Morgan Stanley show garden at Chelsea which deservedly won a gold. Here is our plant with even larger flowers above the greenhouse. Aesculus x mutabilis ‘Induta’ Aesculus x…

2nd October

…of an unnamed Prunus species from Burma (JP184) has interesting secondary new growth. Prunus species from Burma (JP184) Cercis canadensis ‘Hearts of Gold’ is growing away well. Cercis canadensis ‘Hearts…

26th March

…Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’ x M. ‘Pickard’s Ruby’ Magnolia ‘Gold Finch’. Magnolia ‘Gold Finch’ Magnolia ‘Spring Rite’. Magnolia ‘Spring Rite’ Magnolia ‘Plum Pudding’ – the two plants we have now are…

4th July

…protestors block the M5 and A30 so only the very slow coastal route home via Dorchester and Honiton. Marwood Hill Garden have just won a Gold Medal at Hampton Court…

12th June

…a very good new cornus. Note the size of the fly compared to the flower! Was a Spanish gold coin really as big as this? Cornus kousa ‘Doubloon’ Cornus kousa…