9th March

…stripped from michelias and evergreen oaks by Georges Hut and the michelia flowers smashed up. 2015 – CHW LEUCOJUM vernum Leucojum vernum – Spring Snowflake – this attractive and more…

25th March

…the drive. Another plant was out before the cold weather struck. Rhododendron kiyosumense Rhododendron kiyosumense Leucojum aestivum nicely out but blown over in the winds. A fine snowdrop species. Leucojum

9th February

…the garden with Jaimie and Michael. This load is mainly small scented rhododendrons for small gaps beside the Main Ride. More piles of plants Leucojum aestivum emerging early this year…

27th January

…x Thompsonii now in flower. Bobs heath is very nice. Leucojum vernum, C coum, wild snowdrops and Aconites open also Camellia speciosa. 1921 – JCW Rhodoⁿ species showing colour about…