2024 – CHW (images to follow)
Mild and overcast.
The first snowdrop with a flower showing but this one is an errant harbinger of the rest which I do not expect for 10 days or so.
The fallen oak in the Camellia sasanqua collection has squashed a couple of the newly planted additions to the collection. They are probably saveable if those cutting up the tree take care. A near miss for the Beatrice Fleur Plantation. Jaimie is organising the new plaque commemorating her birth on 6th June 2019 – before lockdown!
Nevertheless some new sasanquas to see today in flower:-
Camellia sasanqua ‘Yume’ has a lovely bicolour flower and well worth propagating.
Camellia sasanqua ‘Pink Goddess’ is a large flower.
Camellia sasanqua ‘Minato-No-Akebono’.
Camellia sasanqua ‘Voimao’.
Camellia sasanqua ‘Bonanza’ is going to be one of the very best sasanqua red varieties but still a small plant today. This used to grow at Burncoose but, I fear, it has died.
Camellia ‘Mini Mint’ is presumably a C. sasanqua cross? Rather a good semi-double flower and totally new to us (ex. Stervinou).
Cornus florida ‘Pluribracteata’ still with leaves in late December – astonishing even in this very mild winter (so far).
The very last tiny flowers on the first of the 5 ancient sasanqua to flower. First flowers in mid-September!
Last flowers on the third of the ancient sasanquas to flower (nothing on the second). So 4 of the 5 still in flower for the forthcoming New Year as they were last year.
Daphne bholua ‘Gurkha’ now full out. Three varieties planted here 5-7 years ago and only this one has survived the two droughts.
2023 – CHW
Wet and windy overnight with the final rumblings of Storm Gerrit.
Jaimie cut down this elderly Rhododendron johnstoneanum just before Christmas to (hopefully) revive and reinvigorate it. It may be too old but a few leaves/ twigs have been left.
Uplifting a 15 year old magnolia in Kennel Close to make more room for other things nearby.
Acer tegmentosum ‘Joe Witt’ which is a remarkably good snake-bark maple.
Continuing the theme of what is out here in the festive season I had a wander around the lawn to see if the early narcissus were out yet.They were not!Plenty of other things were however:Cytisus ‘Porlock’ – it never seems not to be in flower.
Blustery day of heavy showers, thunder and lightning. Cold and unpleasant.Camellia x williamsii ‘Inspiration’ is nicely out in the Auklandii Garden.
Camellia x vernalis ‘Dawn’ with its irregular and sometimes minimal yellow leaf blotching or variegation has been out for some time outside the School Room. The two 1895 plants had a haircut this summer while scaffolding was erected to replace the leadwork on the roof. So not many flowers, lots of new growth and variegation mainly on the older untrimmed foliage. An impressive semi-double white flower and certainly one to add to the Tregothnan national collection of sasanquas. They have x vernalis but not ‘Dawn’.
Here is the plain yellow form of Rhododendron Golden Oriole Group – ‘Talavera’.
An investigation into some new young trees below the tree fern on the main ride.Acer heptaphlebium has no real autumn colour here at a young age but holds its leaves late into autumn. Odd name to pronounce!
Hamamelis day in the nursery! Most varieties are just out in pots and rather splendid although more flowers to open on most. The nursery plants readily beat the garden ones which have yet to show.Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Rubin’ (small size catalogue plant and plant as you would order it today) – a new variety for us to stock which I saw as a large clump last spring at Rosemoor.
Hamamelis mollis ‘Pallida’ – small sized plants.
2015 – CHW
Continuing the theme of absurd things being out in late December we have:Magnolia lilliflora ‘Nigra’ full out with a few leaves still on what may have once been a secondary flowering flush in September.
Rhododendron ‘Countess of Haddington’ is trying to come out four months early.
2000 – FJW
Cold spell started – south coast of Cornwall the mildest place to be.
1987 – FJW
Flowers on Cam George Blandford. November Pink well out.
1972 – FJW
Four days of gales.
No Camellia sasanqua open yet.
1931 – JCW
The first camellia speciosa is open today.
1930 – JCW
White Cam japonica has been open for a fortnight. H mollis is very good. Caucasicum venustum is good in the dwelling house. Some few flowers of Gordonia have been excellent.
1921 – JCW
The above camellia has been out a month also Thea 1, Thea 11. Speciosa, sasanqua and heaths very good indeed. R mucronulatum nice. Rho venustum good. R [?] fair. The Gordonia anomala is just going out of flower. Many daffs are up. Coums have been showing for a week.
1919 – JCW
The white camellia by the Engine House has a flower open. Hamamelis mollis is about at its best. Rho mucronulatum is very good indeed but it should be better presently.
1900 – JCW
C picked a snowdrop open.
1899 – JCW
Crocus imperati not open yet shows colour. Iris stylosa (two kinds) and Iris bakeriana open. Several roses yet.