2024 – CHW
Dull and overcast all day with light rain.
First couple of flowers out on the ancient 120 year old Camellia japonica ‘Lady Clare’ on the Castle wall by the front door. Plants in the garden have had flowers for 2 or 3 weeks.

Storm Darragh scorching on laurel leaves on the drive. Still being scorched in the wind today.
Magnolia buds blown off a tree in the wind by the 4-in-Hand.
Camellia x williamsii ‘George Blandford’ overhanging the Burncoose Nurseries sales area. All rather splendid.
A red sky as dawn breaks over Burncoose.
Viburnum × bodnantense ‘Dawn’ in fine flowering form.
Three grandchildren rather excited about Christmas.
2023 – CHW
Mild and wet.First flowers out on Camellia japonica ‘Nuccio’s Jewel’.
Mild and wet.First flowers out on Camellia japonica ‘Nuccio’s Jewel’.
Even more Christmas week flowers than usual on Azalea ‘Hinomayo’.
The original darker form of Camellia saluenensis is finally out in flower high up.
The paler form has been out for weeks and now looks a bit battered by the heavy rains of late.
First flower on the ancient Camellia japonica ‘Lady Clare’ by the front door.
This Rhododendron calophytum has drooping leaves and looks sick. Perhaps just anticipating a cold snap or perhaps it has honey fungus?
Wonderful orange-red indumentum on the buds and the undersides of the leaves on Magnolia doltsopa. (Michelia doltsopa).
Rhododendron ‘Michael’s Pride’ had the second haircut in its 45 year life and is reshooting vigorously.
Eriobotrya deflexa outstanding today.
Reevsia sinica has lost a lot of lower twigs and branches as a result of the 2 recent droughts.
2022 – CHW
What to see here this year on Christmas Eve:– Camellia sasanqua ‘Yoimachi’
What to see here this year on Christmas Eve:– Camellia sasanqua ‘Yoimachi’
– Camellia sasanqua ‘Yume’
– Camellia sasanqua ‘Sekiyo’
The peeling bark on Rhododendron stenaulum (moulmainense) is as eye catching as ever.
Poor and misformed secondary flowers on Rhododendron ‘Pink Pearl’.
Camellia sasanqua ‘Yuletide’ putting on a good show on time this year.
Another of Jaimie’s unnamed magnolia hybrids in Old Park with its first 10 buds for next spring.
Removal of lower branches and general uplifting of Kalopanax septemlobus.
As ever the peeling bark on Rhododendron moulmainense (Rh stenaulum) is spectacular.
Flower buds nearly out on Fatsia polycarpa.
More trimming out of deadwood on the Rhododendron ‘Alison Johnstone’ by George’s Hut.
Christmas flowers on Rhododendron keysii which is not unusual.
And one on Rhododendron crassum which is! A late secondary flower or a mistake after a mild autumn?
The layers on Rhododendron suoilenhense are now rooted and starting to grow away strongly. Still a year or two away from being ready to lift and move elsewhere.
2020 – CHW
Depressing news that Cornwall is now in Tier 2 so all shooting lunches now have to be outside. Malcolm Bell, the head of Cornwall tourist board, believes we should all be locked down completely in a Tier 4 area. Only 67 cases per 100,000 of population in Cornwall. Words fail me!First flower on Camellia ‘Lady Clare’ by the front door.
Depressing news that Cornwall is now in Tier 2 so all shooting lunches now have to be outside. Malcolm Bell, the head of Cornwall tourist board, believes we should all be locked down completely in a Tier 4 area. Only 67 cases per 100,000 of population in Cornwall. Words fail me!First flower on Camellia ‘Lady Clare’ by the front door.
Camellia ‘Reigyoku’ with a wonderful show of flowers against its variegated leaves.
Daffodils nearly in flower but the buds have been eaten by pheasants.
Pinus mugo ‘Zundert’ in the afternoon sun.
An elderly Camellia x williamsii ‘Donation’ just into flower at the top of the bush (about 15ft up).
First few flowers on Camellia x williamsii ‘Jovey Carlyon’.
Camellia grijsii now full out.
First flowers out on Camellia reticulata ‘Mary Williams’ also high up.
An elderly Camellia ‘Cornish Snow’ just below it is now nearly full out (the smaller flowered form and a little later out).
Catastrophe with a large beech tree falling into the young rhododendrons in Higher Quarry Nursery. The second time this has happened in five years. It would seem a northerly gale casualty.
As usual Azalea ‘Hinomayo’ has a few flowers out for Christmas.
2019 – CHW
Camellia grishii has just a couple of flowers out despite being supposedly a pre-Christmas flowerer in the latest issue of The Garden.
Camellia grishii has just a couple of flowers out despite being supposedly a pre-Christmas flowerer in the latest issue of The Garden.
Cephalotaxus harringtonii ‘Korean Gold’ shows up well on an overcast afternoon. Two years on from planting in a cold exposed spot it is still finding its feet and filling out.
Magnolia “Todd’s Forty Niner” was showing colour this time last year but not today!
Another good yellow conifer showing up which I first saw at The Savill Garden. Picea glauca ‘Piccolo’ which is dwarf growing and colours up well in cold.
Nearby is Podocarpus totara ‘Aurea’ which I fear these pictures do not do justice to. A very visible yellow in the clearing above the greenhouse.
Saw two house martens today overflying the lawn and twittering forlornly to each other. It is mild enough still for insects to be about so they may yet survive.
2018 – CHW
Tree fern seedlings developing in the moss at the base of an elderly sweet chestnut tree.
Tree fern seedlings developing in the moss at the base of an elderly sweet chestnut tree.
The sweet chestnut is dying of old age and these two sets of fungi are starting to assist the process of decay.
The best thing in the garden on Christmas Eve is Rhododendron ‘Winter Intruder’ which is a glorious dark red and much darker than the nearby Rhododendron nobleanum which is one of the parents in my father’s original cross.
Still some blue or bluish-green flowers on the hydrangeas on the drive.
2017 – CHW
A trip to Forty Acre Wood to inspect the biggest Schefflera macrophylla. Some leaves dropping and all the seeds have shed from the flower stalk already. This really is a huge and impressive plant.
A trip to Forty Acre Wood to inspect the biggest Schefflera macrophylla. Some leaves dropping and all the seeds have shed from the flower stalk already. This really is a huge and impressive plant.
No seeds left on the ground but plenty of deer droppings so perhaps they have enjoyed them.
A few camellia seeds from an adjacent plant remain uneaten.
This 15 to 20 year old planting is really taking shape. The rhododendrons especially.
The Crabiodendron yunnanense hedge has plenty of seed clusters which I collect for Asia to grow.
Saxegothaea conspicua is doing well.
As are a row of Rhododendron arboreum but in too much shade.
A clump of Arundinaria anceps. Most other clumps at Burncoose have recently flowered and died.
Also a nice new self sown clump of Pseudosasa japonica which flowered and died out 20 to 30 years ago here as well.
The river could do with cleaning out by the bridge.
The pampas grass flowers on the islands in the lake show up well.
2016 – CHW
This is the first primrose out on the bank opposite the front door. I saw it a week ago first. No others yet showing.
This is the first primrose out on the bank opposite the front door. I saw it a week ago first. No others yet showing.
2015 – CHW
Christmas Eve – still in bed with splitting headache.
1988 – FJW
Camellias as 1977. Very mild indeed for time of year. Supposed to be a 50°F xmas.1977 – FJW
Williamsii well out. Pink Saluenensis by Gunroom in flower. George Blandford ¼ out very early. Wet year to date with gales. Many big rhodo’s and magnolias seem to have decided to live after 1976 drought.1962 – FJW
10 degrees frost beginning of cold spell and easterly gales.
Camellias as 1977. Very mild indeed for time of year. Supposed to be a 50°F xmas.1977 – FJW
Williamsii well out. Pink Saluenensis by Gunroom in flower. George Blandford ¼ out very early. Wet year to date with gales. Many big rhodo’s and magnolias seem to have decided to live after 1976 drought.1962 – FJW
10 degrees frost beginning of cold spell and easterly gales.
1941 – CW
Camellias out – oleifera, double white (Engine House), and a few speciosa hybrids. Cam sasanqua nearly over. Rho mucronulatum very good. Also a Sutchuenense hybrid above Rookery. Some lapagerias and fuschias. Odd bits of forsythia and hamamelis.