2024 – CHW (images to follow)
2023 – CHW
Yet more heavy rain arrives in the afternoon. Need to check the rain gauge to see how many inches of rain in the Christmas week. Another major storm on its way.
Daphne bholua ‘Garden House Ghost’ now full out above the greenhouses. Is it really any different from our old friend Daphne bholua ‘Alba’?
A very wet few days as nature catches up on the dry summer and our below average rainfall up to now. Leaf drop under the Trevanion holly as we have come to expect from many hollies in a mild autumn. A Phytophthora infection peculiar to some Ilex I suspect but they survive the leaf drop reasonably well.
Another large Camellia x williamsii ‘George Blandford’ which we always forget up behind the camellia foliage planting.
So now the first real frost of the year. Minus 5°C overnight with hail but bright and clear by day. The Echiums do not like it!
The third overcast day in a row with no wind and, surprisingly, still no rain. Bucking the recent trend.First flowers on a young Camellia x williamsii ‘Caerhays’ in full shade. The flowers are not as large as they would be in the open on a larger, more mature plant.
2018 – CHW
I have worried for the last few years that our young Manglietia decidua (Magnolia decidua) was wrongly named as, even a month ago, it certainly did not look deciduous. I need not have worried! The plant has yet to flower as has the one at Burncoose.
Another filthy wet day with heavy rain in the afternoon but milder.The Rhododendron nobleanum clumps do not all flower at once and more nice undamaged flowers here just emerging by the drive.
Camellia ‘Cornish Snow’ full out below Slip Rail. Rather later out than last year. The other larger plants have yet to show.
2015 – CHW
A hurricane force start to the day followed by the rain in mountains before clearing in the afternoon.Surprisingly little damage for such an extreme roar of the wind which sounded like the January 1990 hurricane.
One 20 foot Camellia reticulata and a similar sized evergreen oak have gone over but no big trees can I find as yet anyway. Twigs, branches and debris on all the paths. Perhaps we were lucky.
The unnamed Camellia x williamsii and saluenensis hybrids below Tin Garden are nearly over or have blown away.
1993 – FJW
Wettest day here after a very wet year. Worst flooding seen in Portholland Valley. But they know where to build houses.
1963 – FJW
Mild weather returned after cold snap with ice on 3/4 of pond.
(Handwritten note attached to Garden Book page)H.A.C Algeanas, Spain,
‘Went riding as usual searching all the time in the hills for a white form of Australis; luck favoured me and I found a good plant of it. Naturally we shall take some home. Father has been mad keen to get it’.
(Bob’s entry in his diary of his finding the white Erica australis).
1911 – JCW
Clematis cirrhosa is good, some fair Camellia sasanqua left, ordinary camellias showing about. Iris stylosa coming out well and Iris alata. R nobleanum open well, a flower or two of Rho yunnanense. Snowdrops 2 or 3 just show colour. Many daffs up in Tin Garden. C coum over ⅓ open. Erica codonodes very good.
1900 – JCW
I picked the first flower of Minimus.