3rd February

FJ Williams Profile Picture
FJW 1955-2007
CH Williams Profile Picture
CHW 2015-
JC Williams Profile Picture
JCW 1897-1939
C Williams Profile Picture
CW 1940-1955

2025 – CHW

A slow recovery from a cold and cough so a few days have been missed.

Uplifting lower branches on a Schima as the laurel hedge cutting progresses.

Only a day to go to complete the laurel hedge cutting on the Main Ride.
laurel hedge cutting
laurel hedge cutting
The original Magnolia campbellii has two flowers out.
Magnolia campbellii
Magnolia campbellii
Our new barn owl boxes ready for installation.
barn owl boxes
barn owl boxes
Acacia cultriformis completely shattered in the recent severe gales. I wonder if it will reshoot if cut back completely?
Acacia cultriformis
Acacia cultriformis

2024 – CHW
The first garden tour of the year with Raf and his Belgian & French gardening friends.Camellia reticulata ‘Captain Rawes’ just out in the Aucklandii Garden. This is the Tregullow form.
Camellia reticulata ‘Captain Rawes’
Camellia reticulata ‘Captain Rawes’
First flowers blown open on the 1912 planted Magnolia campbellii.
Magnolia campbellii
Magnolia campbellii
Rhododendron arboreum subsp. cinnamomeum already full out.
Rhododendron arboreum subsp. cinnamomeum
Rhododendron arboreum subsp. cinnamomeum
First flowering of a young Polyspora on Rookery Path.
Brassaiopsis dumicola (KWJ 12217) totally unfrosted which is unexpected.
Brassaiopsis dumicola (KWJ 12217)
Brassaiopsis dumicola (KWJ 12217)
Rhododendron ‘Crossbill’ already full out below the Engine House.
Rhododendron ‘Crossbill’
Rhododendron ‘Crossbill’
Camellia reticulata ‘Royalty’ just out on the Main Ride.
Camellia reticulata ‘Royalty’
Camellia reticulata ‘Royalty’
Carpinus rankanensis has finally shed all its leaves.
Carpinus rankanensis
Carpinus rankanensis

2023 – CHW
A large numbers of rhododendrons are now dying as a result of the drought. Not just the big leaved species but many younger smaller leaved species too.
rhododendrons are now dying
rhododendrons are now dying
rhododendrons are now dying
rhododendrons are now dying
First flowers out on the sport of ‘Donation’ called Camellia x williamsii ‘Celebration’ by George’s Hut.
Camellia x williamsii ‘Celebration’
Camellia x williamsii ‘Celebration’
A dead branch in a clump of Rhododendron ‘Royal Flush’.
Rhododendron ‘Royal Flush’
Rhododendron ‘Royal Flush’
A last fallen flower under Magnolia delavayi which had just about survived the frost.
Magnolia delavayi
Magnolia delavayi
Polyspora longicarpa in flower despite wind damage to the foliage.
Polyspora longicarpa
Polyspora longicarpa
Another dead.
Another dead
Another dead
A drought hit Rhododendron barbatum. Half dead.
Rhododendron barbatum
Rhododendron barbatum
Polyspora axillaris aff. tonkinensis has suddenly died. Drought, cold (unlikely) or honey fungus? No sign of rotting from honey fungus at the base.
Polyspora axillaris aff. tonkinensis
Polyspora axillaris aff. tonkinensis
Polyspora axillaris aff. tonkinensis
Polyspora axillaris aff. tonkinensis
Polyspora axillaris aff. tonkinensis
Polyspora axillaris aff. tonkinensis
And a certain dead!
certain dead!
certain dead!
Another Rhododendron ririei just opening.
Rhododendron ririei
Rhododendron ririei
Half dead again – this one a scented variety.
Half dead again – this one a scented variety
Half dead again – this one a scented variety

2022 – CHW
A fallen leaf under Magnolia dealbata with its silvery underside. The last leaves fell only in mid-December.

Magnolia dealbata
Magnolia dealbata
Lomatia tinctoria had a few seeds but they have shed and we have missed them.
Lomatia tinctoria
Lomatia tinctoria
A perfect flower on Rhododendron ‘Red Admiral’.
Rhododendron ‘Red Admiral’
Rhododendron ‘Red Admiral’
Another laurel hedge cut back before the start of the opening season. This one below Engine House.
laurel hedge
laurel hedge
laurel hedge
laurel hedge
Flowers on Rhododendron ririei now properly out. Note the different colour on the tight buds.
Rhododendron ririei
Rhododendron ririei
Rhododendron ririei
Rhododendron ririei
First flower half out only on Rhododendron ‘Mrs J C Williams’.
Rhododendron ‘Mrs J C Williams’
Rhododendron ‘Mrs J C Williams’
Camellia ‘Cornish Spring’ full out but it rather hides its flowers inside the bush. A good thing with a tight rounded habit.
Camellia ‘Cornish Spring’
Camellia ‘Cornish Spring’
Camellia ‘Cornish Spring’
Camellia ‘Cornish Spring’
A fine flower on Camellia x williamsii ‘Caerhays’.
Camellia x williamsii ‘Caerhays’
Camellia x williamsii ‘Caerhays’
Camellia x williamsii ‘George Blandford’ and Camellia ‘Alba Simplex’ above the greenhouse.
Camellia x williamsii ‘George Blandford’
Camellia x williamsii ‘George Blandford’
The fourth magnolia to flower here this year is a Magnolia ‘Lanarth’. A graft from the original plant at Lanarth at the top of the lawn there and earlier into flower than all our other plants. At Lanarth it is often out in mid to late January so clearly a very early form. There are five or six original ‘Lanarth’ still surviving at Lanarth and all this shape of flower with slight colour variations.
Magnolia ‘Lanarth’
Magnolia ‘Lanarth’
Magnolia ‘Lanarth’
Magnolia ‘Lanarth’

2021 – CHW
The mystery picture which we did not think was actually taken here between 1907 and 1914 or, perhaps, in 1921 has now been inverted as you can see.
This is indeed the second building at the other end of the top wall by the greenhouse. It does not have a chimney today but the remains of the internal brick chimney are visible inside the building.
second building
second building
second building
second building
second building
second building
second building
second building
remains of the internal brick chimney
remains of the internal brick chimney
The pink Rhododendron arboreums in the picture still exist at least 100 years on but, as you can see today, they are nearing the end of their lives. The tree heathers and large clump of Rhododendron ‘Cornish Red’ are still there.
Rhododendron arboreum subsp. cinnamomium
Rhododendron arboreum subsp. cinnamomium
Rhododendron arboreum subsp. cinnamomium
Rhododendron arboreum subsp. cinnamomium

If you use a magnifying glass you can just see a greenhouse behind the seat. A larger and more modern one is there today. The orchid house and galvanised potting shed are also just visible and are still there.On another similar tack Jaimie has been sent a 1925 picture (postcard) of the castle and Porthluney Beach. The former boathouse is visible and there seem to be more walls and structures on the left of the beach than remain today.

1925 picture (postcard)
1925 picture (postcard)

The erosion of the cliffs has been dramatic along the coastline shown here in the last 95 years.Two odd bits of history!

Here is a short film of the flooded road from Penvergate to Rescassa taken on Sunday afternoon. The worst flooding in the water meadows since spring 2014 we think and far worse than pre-Christmas this year.