2025 – CHW
2024 – CHW
Struck down with a chest infection and firmly in bed this week feeling ghastly. These are Jaimie’s diary entries.
The nine young swans bred last year are finally being driven off the lake by their parents amid a lot of noise and flapping of wings.

First daffodils out in Kennel Close.
An unexpected bit of storm damage down on Bond Street.
2021 – CHW
A month earlier than usual, and entirely due to lockdown, Asia and I spent yesterday picking out larger plants from the frames to plant out in different parts of the garden when it dries up a bit. We shifted a great deal and had the first planting session in the November lockdown. Even more to do this year than for several years with a distinct shortage of space apart from Old Park and Forty Acres Wood. I have perhaps overdone the ordering and propagation during the March to July lockdown out of boredom and a desire to cheer up with something pleasant and more productive.
Camellia x williamsii ‘Hiraethlyn’ was bred at Bodnant and has a slightly elongated shape with just hints of pink on the outside and inside of the outer petals. Slightly frilly edges to the petals. Three years from being a cutting. Not sure where this came from but a good thing.
I looked at Magnolia campbellii var. alba ‘Strybing White’ last Sunday and there was no sign of any colour. Now, after three days of sunshine, the first evidence of undamaged flowers has started to appear.
The oddly bicoloured Rhododendron irrorata anthosphaerum just coming out below the Main Ride.
2018 – CHW
Look at how much woodpeckers have been enjoying the rotten centre of this old sycamore tree.
A surprising find today. The tender Chilean Peumus boldus in full flower by Tin Garden. The flower clusters are white and stand proud at the end of the stems. I have never seen this evergreen in flower before and it is covered. The reference books say it is a summer flowering small tree or large shrub. Is this early or late?
2016 – CHW
As expected Magnolia ‘Star Wars’ has several flowers showing a rather pale colour. Not as far out as its sister, Magnolia ‘Red Lion’, pictured a week or so ago.
1998 – FJW
Spawning in Greenhouse pond goes on a pace – a great deal of Rhodo but magnolias not all that forward.
1954 – CW
First Magnolia campbellii full out – many double Camellias as Mathotiana. Double Prunus by Kennel, several Reticulata seedlings. Red Admiral at Ririei out a week. Some Red Arboreum x and also Sutchuenense, Cross Bill x Golden Oriole. Machrostenem – 8 Reticulata seedlings and Mary W.
1929 – JCW
H mollis quite wonderful. Parvifolium is good and nothing else – four weeks of wind and cold.
1928 – JCW
E darleyense ⅓ open Camellia speciosa, H mollis – R mucronulatum, R parvifolium, R moupinense all nice, Lutescens in the hall, several good hybrids open.
1927 – JCW
E darlyense starts, some Lapagerias, Blood red hybrids have been out for a month, no daffs. Mucronulatum, H mollis and Camellia sasanquas are all past. One or two sutchuenense hybrids show colour, the majority have no bud.
1921 – JCW
Hamamelis is over, E darleyense is at its best, R mucronulatum is passing. The pink Obtusum remains very good. C coums are nice, Cotoneaster salicifolia good. Many early Rhodos are far enough on to pick buds off them including R argenteum.
1908 – JCW
Snowdrops and Aconites been out for 8 to 10 days. C coums at their best. Roses hold on yet. We have had frost but not really very hard. C balearica nice.
1897 – JCW
Iris stylosa in flower at Tregony been out for a week.