Magnolia campbellii ‘Darjeeling’ at the top of the garden.
Magnolia campbellii ‘Darjeeling’
First flowers on one of the ancient Michelia doltsopa.
Michelia doltsopa
Magnolia ‘Bishop Peter’ now at its very best.
Magnolia ‘Bishop Peter’
Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ (New Zealand form) and Magnolia ‘Sir Harold Hillier’.
Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ (New Zealand form) and Magnolia ‘Sir Harold Hillier’
Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ (New Zealand form) at its very best.
Magnolia ‘Lanarth’
2024 – CHW
More new magnolias in flower today. Jaimie & Michael are collecting pollen for a big (fine) day of new crossing.
Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’ x M. ‘Caerhays Surprise’ as it was named when it came here. Planted in 2019 but, as far as I can ascertain, it has not subsequently been registered and named.
Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’ x M. ‘Caerhays Surprise’
Just a few flowers this year on the original (true) Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ which was hit by a tree and is now recovering above Crinodendron Hedge.
Magnolia ‘Lanarth’
Magnolia sprengeri ‘Westonbirt’ is now full out beside the ‘Lanarth’.
The old Michelia doltsopa by George’s Hut just starting now.
Michelia doltsopa
Magnolia dawsoniana ‘Chindit’ was a gift from Harvey Stephens and the Savill Gardens. Now very good but is it really a form of dawsoniana?
Magnolia dawsoniana ‘Chindit’
Another of Jaimie’s new hybrids with just one flower (ever) so far but probably also begging registration. Magnolia sargentiana var. robusta x Magnolia sprengeri var. diva CROSSED WITH Magnolia campbellii var. mollicomata ‘Lanarth’.
Another of Jaimie’s new hybrids
Magnolia ‘Star Wars’ x M. ‘Volcano’ (Hornau) giving a good show. Is there now a proper registered name? Need to do some detective work.
Magnolia ‘Star Wars’ x M. ‘Volcano’ (Hornau)Magnolia ‘Star Wars’ x M. ‘Volcano’ (Hornau)
Magnolia ‘Pickard’s Ruby’ x M. ‘J.C. Williams’.
Magnolia ‘Pickard’s Ruby’ x M. ‘J.C. Williams’
Magnolia ‘Cleopatra’ x M. ‘J. C. Williams’ (Hang) planted in 2018. Quite good but is there now a proper name?
Magnolia ‘Cleopatra’ x M. ‘J. C. Williams’Magnolia ‘Cleopatra’ x M. ‘J. C. Williams’
Magnolia campbellii ‘Wakehurst’ is really good today.
Magnolia ‘Shirazz’ splendid in several places in the garden.
Magnolia ‘Shirazz’
A large unnamed seedling Magnolia below Hovel Cart Road is not worth a name but is certainly worth its place!
unnamed seedling Magnolia
2023 – CHW
The Caerhays team install around 20 new bird boxes in the garden as part of the new children’s garden trail. I fear the squirrels will get to any occupants but there we are.
new bird boxes
new bird boxesnew bird boxes
A full day at Burncoose plotting this year’s planting programme and picking out the plants from the nursery.
Cornus officinalis looking rather better in the nursery than the Cornus mas which we saw last week here in flower.
Cornus officinalisCornus officinalis
Rhododendron ‘Bric-a-Brac’ in a large clump on the Burncoose driveway.
Rhododendron ‘Bric-a-Brac’
Michelia macclurei is flowering better (and earlier) than ever before. A real rarity and easily the best thing in the Burncoose garden today (despite the magnolias all starting).
Camellia reticulata ‘Arch of Triumph’ just starting to flower properly 2-3 years from planting.
Camellia reticulata ‘Arch of Triumph’Camellia reticulata ‘Arch of Triumph’
2022 – CHW
Magnolia campbellii ‘Sidbury’ in Old Park is just out while the plant in Penvergate is blown out and now over.
Magnolia campbellii ‘Sidbury’
Another surprise first flowering of a third cross of Jaimie’s this year. Magnolia ‘Mr Julian’ crossed with Magnolia ‘Lanarth’. Wonderful colour on the first and only flower this year. I think we should name and register this as Magnolia ‘Leonora’ after my aunt who had her 80th birthday last Friday. Registration will have to wait a year or two until we get a full flush of flowers. (M. ‘Mr Julian’ is a cross between M. sargentiana var. robusta and M. sprengeri ‘Diva’.)
First very pale and poor flower on a young Magnolia sprengeri ‘Marwood Hill’ on the bank at Old Park.
Magnolia sprengeri ‘Marwood Hill’
Then on to the drive to catch up on what was out there today.
This is the large and as yet unnamed hybrid bred by Philip Tregunna. We always wonder if it is really unique enough to merit an attempt at registration but I fear we may have lost the crossing records for this plant. Very good today.
hybrid bred by Philip Tregunnahybrid bred by Philip Tregunna
hybrid bred by Philip Tregunnahybrid bred by Philip Tregunna
First ever flowers on a magnolia labelled ‘Mazara’. This may be a typo for ‘Mazeppa’ which is a synonym for Magnolia ‘Anne Rosse’ x Magnolia ‘Anne Rosse’ raised in Nova Scotia, Canada from seed collected by Philippe de Spoelberch in Belgium. The flowers look nothing like M. ‘Anne Rosse’.
The New Zealand bred Magnolia ‘Mount Pironga’ is now performing exceptionally well and a most lovely white.
Magnolia ‘Mount Pironga’Magnolia ‘Mount Pironga’
Magnolia campbellii ‘Sidbury’ may be over but Magnolia campbellii ‘Lamellyn’ is only just now out on the drive.
Magnolia campbellii ‘Sidbury’
The second (and inferior) seedling from the seedpod which produced Magnolia ‘Caerhays Splendour’ is now out on the drive. Smaller flowers but the same colour as Splendour. Quite a big show today.
First flowers showing on the Magnolia denudata ‘Forrest Pink’ which was smashed down by a tree a few years ago but has recovered.
Magnolia denudata ‘Forrest Pink’
The Magnolia campbellii Alba Group (seedling) on the drive is just starting. Impressive but not as large flowers as the one on the main ride.
Magnolia campbellii Alba Group
Michelia ‘Fairy Blush’ is out earlier than ever at the far end of Old Park and doing well.
Michelia ‘Fairy Blush’Michelia ‘Fairy Blush’
2021 – CHW
The view through the arch is developing nicely in the warmth.
view through the arch
The white form (pink in bud) of Rhododendron nobleanum is now full out.
Rhododendron nobleanumRhododendron nobleanum
The old and record Lindera communis has finally been cut back hard as most of the top was dead. Plenty of reshooting from the base.
Lindera communis
Michelia doltsopa ‘Silver Cloud’ blown out early high up at 30ft+.
Michelia doltsopa ‘Silver Cloud’
I have now finally got to grips with the naming of all the camellias planted in 1997 and 2002 where the ‘Red Admiral’ clump once stood before it expired.
Camellia ‘Lulu Belle’ is an excellent show.
Camellia ‘Lulu Belle’Camellia ‘Lulu Belle’
Camellia ‘Pink Icicle’ is quite variable in shape but very floriferous.
Camellia ‘Pink Icicle’Camellia ‘Pink Icicle’
Camellia ‘Chatsworth Belle’ which has a very intricate and precise flower which I rather like.
Camellia ‘Chatsworth Belle’
Camellia ‘Kick Off’ – again flowers variable and not that many of them.
Camellia ‘Kick Off’
Camellia ‘Spring Formal’ is a Nuccio introduction from 1986 which seems, with us, to be a sparse flowerer.
Camellia ‘Spring Formal’Camellia ‘Spring Formal’
Rhododendron ‘Red Admiral’ – a clump I had forgotten by Georges Hut.
Rhododendron ‘Red Admiral’
First colour on a magnolia opposite which is a robusta x sprengeri cross.
robusta x sprengeri cross
A rhododendron whose name I forgot just coming out. We showed this at Rosemoor in the last few years so Jaimie will know. Not on the plans but planted circa 2006/7.
Camellia reticulata ‘Miss Tulare’ is huge and excellent.
Camellia reticulata ‘Miss Tulare’
Suddenly out high up without us noticing is Rhododendron stenaulum (now Rhododendron moulmainense). I must have walked under this several times in the last week. Very floriferous this year after its pruning post the 2018 Beast.
Rhododendron stenaulumRhododendron stenaulum
Early leaf, as usual, on Acer mandshuricum below Tin Garden. A frost risk here. This looks little like the original 6-8ft A. mandshuricum that used to grow on the drive. There is a photo somewhere of DJW and I in our teens about the same height as the plant.
Acer mandshuricum
Flowers and seed cones on Cupressus tortulosa.
Cupressus tortulosa
Magnolia ‘Hot Lips’ is now full out in Kennel Close and aptly named. An excellent hybrid not to be confused with ‘Hot Pants’.
Atherosperma moschatum is now a small tree above Rogers Quarry. Not huge amounts of flower but, those that are, are very scented. An Australian evergreen which can reach 100ft tall in the wilds of Tasmania.
Atherosperma moschatumAtherosperma moschatum
Magnolia ‘F J Williams’ with its first decent flower out and plenty more buds to come above Crinodendron Hedge. Planted 2008.
Magnolia ‘F J Williams’
Schefflera macrophylla in Forty Acres untouched by the cold wind.
Schefflera macrophyllaSchefflera macrophylla
2020 – CHW
A trip to Burncoose and some nice rhododendron combinations in the cash point:
praecox and ‘Bric-a-Brac’
praecox and ‘Bric-a-Brac’
praecox and ‘Christmas Cheer’
praecox and ‘Christmas Cheer’
‘Ostara’ and cilpinense
‘Ostara’ and cilpinense
‘Ostara’ and ‘Bric-a-Brac’
‘Ostara’ and ‘Bric-a-Brac’
cilpinense and ‘Bric-a-Brac’
cilpinense and ‘Bric-a-Brac’
Magnolia campbellii ‘Darjeeling’ at the entrance to Burncoose Garden.
One of the two huge beech trees which fell into the old walled garden before Christmas.
Yet another beech in the old walled garden from the other direction. More to fell nearby too in order to make an exciting new planting area for next spring.
another beech
2019 – CHW
First colour showing on Magnolia ‘Genie’. The emerging buds are nearly black in colour and rival Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’ at this early stage.
Magnolia ‘Genie’Magnolia ‘Genie’
Magnolia ‘Plum Pudding’ at its absolute best.
Magnolia ‘Plum Pudding’
A young Magnolia ‘Caerhays Belle’ – breathtaking today in the sun.
Quercus stenophylloides with new growth already apparent on this Taiwanese species which may well be a bit borderline hardy as a result.
Quercus stenophylloides
2018 – CHW
Storm Emma has produced the harshest east wind gale overnight and today that I have ever experienced at Caerhays in my lifetime. Stormforce 7 or more? It is less frozen underfoot but the wind chill factor is still about -9C (or so the dear old BBC says). The gardens remain shut to the public and very few staff have made it in to Burncoose or Caerhays. The first report of major roof damage at Caerhays Barton Farmhouse but nothing can be done in these conditions. More serious damage by close of play today.It is unsafe to go into the garden and the drive is certainly a battlefield of small twigs and branches. I am itching to see the extent of the cold damage to tender plants like michelias or much of the new stuff from China/Vietnam via Crug Farm and Tom Hudson. It may well be as bad as 1963 which I can just remember. Cold and still then rather than a week or more of freezing east winds.The annual nursery auction sale tomorrow has been cancelled. Major frozen/burst pipe issues at Burncoose who seem not to have drained the system a week ago. (No comment!)
Snowdrifts remain but the wind has blown most of the snow off west facing fields. First lamb births imminent. I wonder if the nets over the pheasant laying pens have survived the snow and wind. Another major cost of all this disaster I expect.
More snow forecast this afternoon. Cornwall is gridlocked and at a standstill with rail links at Dawlish again broken. I believe the West Country may be worse off than the rest of the country. Edwina still hopes to fly to New Zealand on Saturday from Heathrow?
Thank heavens for open wood fires!
Karol has good pictures of the huge 4 feet high snow drifts below the church and at the Portholland turning.
snow driftssnow drifts
To cheer us up Jaimie has installed the magnolias in the hall. These were cut exactly a week ago for the Spring has Sprung in Cornwall party at the Nare (which didn’t of course happen) before the east winds started. The purple one in the centre is
Magnolia ‘F J Williams’. I rather doubt that anyone in the country is admiring such a display today!
magnolias in the hall.magnolias in the hall.
2017 – CHW
Two hours filming a 1min 45sec piece on ‘Spring has Sprung’ (ie magnolias) for BBC Spotlight news. It was live at lunchtime and more will be on in the evening news. Hail and rain did not help but the Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ was fantastic. The Magnolia campbellii just going over and ‘F J Williams’ looking good too. The same BBC crew from Plymouth filmed the last of these last year too. Cut flowers of Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ will be in vases with the newsreaders tonight we hope!The worst rabbit damage I have ever seen on rhododendron bark and a mature plant too. This has all occurred in the last few days. Rabbits reacting to the cold weather a week ago by seeking nutrients from bark?
The worst rabbit damage I have ever seen on rhododendron bark
Magnolia campbellii ‘Lamellyn’ with far less flowers than last year is now full out on the drive about five weeks later than last year. Poorish small flowers too so far.
Rabbit damage on the ‘Lamellyn’ root system too not far from the damaged rhodo.
Rabbit damage on the ‘Lamellyn’ root system
The Hydrangea ‘Fireworks’ clump has been nicely pruned back hard from the drive. Nice new shoots coming through. About 10 years of growth removed. It will, I expect, be a year or two before it flowers properly again. We saw some colour still on this in November in this blog.
Hydrangea ‘Fireworks’Hydrangea ‘Fireworks’
Rather odd to be filming (live) outside the front door with Lizzie watching it live on TV at the same time 12ft away! The wonders of modern technology all in a large van with a huge satellite disc. Their phones did not work but the satellite did!
2016 – CHW
Finally an escape from the office to half a day’s planting this afternoon where we get out the 35 or so new camellias from France and the 11 new bamboo species also from France mainly into Kennel Close. No time to plant them all today and it will need several more days to complete this year’s big plant out. It is plenty wet enough underfoot to be planting but the season is rushing on.
Magnolia ‘Mossmans Giant’ above the greenhouse is now full out. It is clearly a Magnolia campbellii ‘Alba’ seedling in reality but a particularly good one with huge flowers. Well worth its place.
Then we picked out 15 magnolias and assorted hardier trees from the greenhouse for Kennel Close planting tomorrow.
15 magnolias and assorted hardier trees
Still at least 50 magnolias on the frames still to go out though. Not all are quite big enough this year but we start piles to go to different places. It is still too bloody wet to get the quad to the greenhouse which means lots of carrying down the steps.
Still at least 50 magnolias on the frames
Magnolia ‘Caerhays Belle’ is full out now. This photograph is from the front door on an overcast afternoon with squally showers. The dogs have enjoyed it although Rio went to the beach and Nutty ran home to his mummy and howled at the front door upsetting the small number of garden visitors with their dogs on leads!
Magnolia ‘Caerhays Belle’
2005 – FJW
Roy Lancaster sent seeds of [?] tuscularia sp ?? Lithocarpus sp.2002 – FJW
3 flowers on Lapageria. Campbellii very good and all Lanarth type Rhodo’s.1991 – FJW
Mild again – Michelia, Sasanqua and Rho macabeanum foliage all show bad signs of frost damage. No colour on the Magnolias. Best value Cam reticulata wild + cyclamen + snowdrops.1965 – FJW
In the evening we had 14 degrees of frost.1963 – FJW
First crocus picked by Charles.1961 – FJW
Campbelli well open and Donkey Shoe Robusta splendid.1960 – FJW
First Campbellii opened.
1918 – JCW
Nar cyclamineus has been open for a month and R moupinense in some cases, also lutescens and so Thomsonii x Arboreum. The Argenteums are bulging their buds well.1917 – JCW
The first Nar cyclamineus opens. Moupinense at its best. Lutescens starting. Thomsonii x Arboreum shows colour.1900 – JCW
Rho praecox has been open for some time. Narcissi G Spur shows colour, a fair lot of Caerhays and common double open, also a few Lent Lilies. Most of the Tenby open, crocus all out, half of the Maximus out, bits of Prunus triloba.
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