13th August

…Emperor’. Papaver rupifragum ‘Flore Pleno’ and Sedum ‘Purple Emperor’ Papaver rupifragum ‘Flore Pleno’ and Crocosmia ‘Paul’s Best Yellow’. Papaver rupifragum ‘Flore Pleno’ and Crocosmia ‘Paul’s Best Yellow’ Crassula arborescens in…

11th August

…Hedychium densiflorum Hedychium densiflorum What a wonderful colour combination of Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’ and Ceros canadensis ‘Forest Pansy’ makes. The ‘Annabelle’ need staking as here. Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’ and Ceros…

30th May

…a gift from Raf this year) Formerly Michelia opipara from Yunnan. I have never even heard of this species. Magnolia opipara Colutea arborescens from seed from Ventnor Botanics. Colutea arborescens

10th March

…which the best are argenteum, oleifolium, moupinense, sutchuenense, the three arborescens, ciliatum, lutescens. 1907 – JCW Far later than the above. Some G Spur, H Irving and Caerhays. Several Camellias,…

22nd June

…dealbata in flower for first time. 1917 – JCW The Wilson Fortunei’s are starting to open. A Mikado is very good and A arborescens, also some of the Harrow hybrids….

23rd June

…griersonianum, R maddeni, Harrow hybrids are all good. Styrax hemsleyanus comes on fast. 1920 – JCW Ten days earlier than the above. The Beech Walk A arborescens are very good…

28th June

…Harrow hybrids have been and are the best things. Azaleas over except the Arborescens lot. The late white Obtusum near the Rookery is very good. Some decorum open. 1916 –…

29th June

…1928 – JCW Moyesi set of roses nearly over. Maddeni is good and so Arborescens, Styrax, roses in the 3 beds and American Pillar. 1912 – JCW First crop of…

7th July

…at their best, Lonicera tragophylla is good. Azalea arborescens would be fine if we had a group of it, Mikado is over. Dracoenas just over. Escallonia pteroclaydon is good. 1915…

1st July

…Many Magnolia parviflora open now. Azalea arborescens is well out for 4 small plants. 1925 – JCW Came from Scotland, no rain for three weeks, dry but a real gain…