23rd January

…saluenensis A few more flowers out on Magnolia campbellii var. alba ‘Strybing White’ on a sunny day with blue sky. Magnolia campbellii var. alba ‘Strybing White’ Magnolia campbellii var. alba…

3rd August

…this Isle of Wight trip? Rudbeckia ‘Peking’ Rudbeckia ‘Peking’ Sisyrinchium ‘E K Balls’ – almost a rockery plant but striking blue flowers in profusion. We used to stock other dwarf…

29th October

…on Halesia carolina above the Auklandii Garden. Halesia carolina Halesia carolina Also on Cornus ‘Eddies White Wonder’ nearby. Cornus ‘Eddies White Wonder’ Cornus ‘Eddies White Wonder’ The stump of the…

27th January

…moupinense. Rhododendron moupinense And on Rhododendron Golden Oriole Group (moupinense x sulphureum) raised here. Rhododendron Golden Oriole Group A few more flowers now out on Magnolia campbellii ‘Strybing White’. It…

8th August

…even there, the flowers are hidden in with the leaves. Hoheria sextylosa ‘Snow White’ Hoheria sextylosa ‘Snow White’ 2020 – CHW Rubus phoenicolasius is ripe in parts and the young…

29th January

…Pink’ First single flower on Magnolia campbellii ‘Strybling White’. It wins the contest for the first full open magnolia flower again this year. Magnolia campbellii ‘Strybling White’ 2017 – CHW…

14th November

…and this year’s old flaking now looks like this. New flaking just starting at the base nevertheless. The bark flakes The bark flakes The bark flakes 2016 – CHW Laurel…

10th August

…flower on a young Magnolia grandiflora ‘Kay Parris’. Magnolia grandiflora ‘Kay Parris’ Hoheria sexstylosa ‘Snow White’ now full out. Hoheria sexstylosa ‘Snow White’ Hoheria sexstylosa ‘Snow White’ Diospyros cathayensis growing…

11th July

…died for the same reason.I also bought a plant of the white flowered Jovellana sinclairii which is quite similar to the Jovellana punctata which is on our website. Jovellana sinclairii…

30th September

…flowers on the first of the white forms of sasanqua. white forms of sasanqua 2022 – CHW After heavy rain for 16 hours another planting day with the ground rather…