12th March

…Magnolia ‘Pickard’s Ruby’ x M. ‘J.C. Williams’ Magnolia ‘Pickard’s Ruby’ x M. ‘J.C. Williams’ Magnolia ‘Elizabeth Holman’ now properly out. Magnolia ‘Elizabeth Holman’ Magnolia ‘Sir Harold Hillier’ just starting. Magnolia…

29th March

…most resilient of rhododendrons; ‘Cornish Red’. Rhododendron ‘Cornish Red’ Rhododendron ‘Elizabeth’ was spared as it wasn’t out. Rhododendron ‘Elizabeth’ Magnolia ‘Diana’ looks a bit better today. Magnolia ‘Diana’ Acer negundo…

26th March

…already? Camellia x williamsii Camellia x williamsii (unnamed) First flowers on Rhododendron ‘Elizabeth’ on the bank at the Four in Hand. Rhododendron ‘Elizabeth’ Buddleia crispa var. farreri which I could…

1st October

…2021 – CHW Early autumn colour on Stewartia x henryae.Magnolia ‘Cleopatra’ now has even more dark secondary flowers. Magnolia ‘Cleopatra’ A few secondary flowers on Rhododendron ‘Elizabeth’ as usual. Rhododendron…

22nd April

…layering as you can see from these pictures. rhododendron layering rhododendron layering rhododendron layering rhododendron layering rhododendron layering Rhododendron ‘Elizabeth’ full out now. Rhododendron ‘Elizabeth’ Michelia martinii has dropped its…

21st April

…out and very early. Remember we saw late flowers on a Rh. decorum last September. Rhododendron decorum Magnolia ‘Elizabeth’ at its very best in the evening light. Magnolia ‘Elizabeth’ Still…

17th April

…Rhododendron ‘Blue Tit’ Rhododendron ‘Blue Tit’ Magnolia denudata, Magnolia ‘Caerhays Surprise’ and Magnolia ‘Elizabeth’. Magnolia denudata, Magnolia ‘Caerhays Surprise’ and Magnolia ‘Elizabeth’ Wonderful new growth on Mahonia x savilleana. Mahonia…

28th April

…quassioides Magnolia ‘Honey Liz’ just out with buds to come. M. acuminata ssp. subcordata ‘Miss Honeybee’ x M. ‘Elizabeth’. Not bad but not as good as ‘Honey Tulip’ or ‘Honey…

12th May

…Rhododendron Species). Rhododendron klossii 2021 – CHW Following Elizabeth’s 95th birthday tour here in April her son, Alverne Bolitho, has sent this picture of the tree planting at Trewidden of…

24th April

…rothschildii Rhododendron rothschildii Rhododendron rothschildii My grandfather’s Rhododendron ‘May Day’ is just out and a very much darker colour than Rhododendron ‘Elizabeth’ which may be more popular and widely grown…