10th September

…the start of the spring. A wet summer has done wonders. Illicium anisatum Secondary flowers and nearly ripe seeds on Styrax wilsonii is becoming a regular September occurrence. The flowers…

27th July

…for a Euonymus. Euonymus morrisonensis Euonymus morrisonensis Euonymus morrisonensis Still flowers on Magnolia virginiana ‘Satellite’. Magnolia virginiana ‘Satellite’ Magnolia virginiana ‘Satellite’ A tail ender on Magnolia wilsonii. Magnolia wilsonii And…

31st July

…not knowledgeable enough to sort this out. Centaurea debauxii Centaurea debauxii Centaurea debauxii Centaurea debauxii Seed forms quickly on Styrax wilsonii only a month or so after the end of…

5th August

…really good Rhododendron ‘Polar Bear’ hidden away. Rhododendron ‘Polar Bear’ Euonymus wilsonii setting seed. Euonymus wilsonii Asimina triloba with only a few small flowers this year. Our two plants have…

8th August

…years ago and this is the sole survivor. An unshapely grower like so many of the ‘smellies’. Rhododendron rhabdotum Rhododendron rhabdotum The ancient Aesculus wilsonii is hating the drought which…

13th July

…Donkey Shoe. Donkey Shoe Euonymus wilsonii suffering in the drought with the new leaves much smaller than the older ones. Euonymus wilsonii Euonymus tingens nicely in flower. Euonymus tingens Euonymus…

16th July

…smithii Maddenia wilsonii is making good progress too. Very different in leaf to Maddenia himalaica which we saw in flower for the first time in March. Maddenia wilsonii Sapium sebiferum…

26th May

…did not quite make it in time for Chelsea. Azalea ‘Rosebud’ The many tepalled Magnolia wilsonii (ex DJHC 98369). Magnolia wilsonii 2021 – CHW Flowers again this year on Trachycarpus…

10th November

…castle wall. new sasanqua bank Hydrangea paniculata ‘Vanille Fraise’ has finally faded to brown. What a show in the last two months! Hydrangea paniculata ‘Vanille Fraise’ Cornus wilsonii (record tree)…

8th December

…ripe but not yet disintegrating. Araucaria angustifolia Araucaria angustifolia Buddleia heliophila still has flower in the Isla Rose Plantation. Buddleia heliophila Euonymus wilsonii with a few very red leaves as…