8th September

…new species of tender beschorneria – Beschorneria albiflora. Beschorneria albiflora Beschorneria albiflora Beschorneria albiflora Colletia hystrix Colletia hystrix Paeonia potanini Paeonia potanini Illicium oligandrum – a new species of illicium…

19th November

…but I still owe Tom Hudson a plant of the picotee form which grows on the wall here. Lapageria rosea var. albiflora Lapageria rosea var. albiflora 2017 – CHW The…

12th May

…‘Frau Dagmar Hastrup’ Calceolaria ‘Camden Hero’ is nicely out for Chelsea and put aside in quantity. Calceolaria ‘Camden Hero’ Calceolaria ‘Camden Hero’ Salvia officinalis ‘Albiflora’ is however too far out…

20th March

albiflora). Lapageria rosea var. albiflora Clianthus puniceus ‘Maximus’ an exceptional show. Clianthus puniceus ‘Maximus’ Clianthus puniceus ‘Maximus’ Grevillea ‘Fireworks’ just starting to flower as a large shrub under glass. Grevillea…

5th October

…others also in the wild.Here are the highlights and rest are detailed here if you are interested.Lapageria rosea var. albiflora climbing through camellias and up a high wall. To die…