April 2018 Irish trip ( Day 2)

…British before the garden was even thought of. battery tower battery tower Griselinia littoralis seedlings everywhere on the ground. Griselinia littoralis Even in the trunk of a Pinus radiata (insignis)….

April 2024 Ireland Trip (Day 5)

…is not recognised in Hilliers or in New Zealand Native Trees. Pittosporum serratifolia Pittosporum serratifolia Pittosporum serratifolia Brachyglottis hectorii from New Zealand. Brachyglottis hectorii Brachyglottis hectorii Brachyglottis hectorii Griselinia littoralis

April 2024 Ireland Trip (Day 3)

…willow A fine Lagarostrobos franklinii (was Dacrydium franklinii). Lagarostrobos franklinii Griselinia littoralis seeding everywhere in the valley. Griselinia littoralis The group standing under Azara lanceolata. Azara lanceolata A fine plant…

3rd August

…Cuphea ignea Dendroseris littoralis– the Juan Fernandez Cabbage Tree which was on the brink of extinction in the1980s. Semi-tropical very rare only growing in the wild on some small island…