22nd June

…eight years and needs no trimming. Escallonia tucumanensis Escallonia tucumanensis Escallonia tucumanensis Escallonia tucumanensis 2019 – CHW Ninety-five to lunch and tour here yesterday to raise funds for the Cornwall…

27th June

…this should be in the Burncoose catalogue. Did not turn a hair in ‘The Beast’ so seems hardy enough. Escallonia tucumanensis Escallonia tucumanensis Escallonia tucumanensis Clethra fabri (FMW 713037) with…

19th June

…Old Park are struggling with frost damage but this one is now huge as you can see. Escallonia tucumanensis Escallonia tucumanensis Cornus kousa ‘Rasen’ looking as good as ‘Wisley Queen’…