2025 – CHW
Thick sea fog and heavy rain. Frost on Friday now completely reversed. Very wet underfoot and photography nearly impossible.
Camellia x williamsii ‘Celebration’.

Camellia japonica ‘Adolphe Audusson Variegated’ in its many variations.
Worth another look at the first flowerings of the 3 new Sarcococca species. We saw two only a day ago.Daphne bholua ‘Limpsfield’ starting to open. No scent in the heavy rain today.
The large pine branch below Engine House now burnt up. We are disrupted at this point as Lizzie’s Labrador ‘Nutty’ decides his spring mating season has arrived and he disappears down the Coastal Path. Recapture taken 1½ hours and we are both pissed off at our perambulations of the garden being disrupted.
Camellia x williamsii ‘Inspiration’ now fully out.
2021 – CHW
I had neglected to look at the old 1897 planted Camellia x vernalis ‘Dawn’ for 10 days and it is now full out and quite splendid in the sun today despite the recent frosts. The flowers are slightly irregular in shape and often shatter and get blown away but this is a special piece of Caerhays camellia history.
I could not resist photographing Daphne bholua ‘Garden House Ghost’ again now it is full out. The scent is now also simply gorgeous.

Michelia ‘Fairy White’ already has flowers showing colour and tons of buds still covered with their attractive orange furry casing.
A trip to below the Engine House.Magnolia ‘Star Wars’ is out if you can call it that! Many flower heads blown off and rotting in the recent gales. In fact very few buds left for the main flowering season in two months or so. I guess these flowers, although poor in colour, are actually spring rather than summer or autumn ones. As such this is the first magnolia to be ‘out’ this year (2018). Sorry the picture is so poor.

A hydrangea inspection day as a repeat of last January’s. Hydrangea ‘Joseph Banks’ still holding colour in January! Less so than last January perhaps.
The tiny Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ planted in 1955 opposite the Georgian Hall is, for the first time ever, plastered in bud. It has only ever twice had three to five flowers before. However now the buds are swelling and their secondary outer ‘coats’ have been shed.

1972 – FJW
Cold spell started.1959 – FJW
B.N.A saw first primrose, November pink good – garden very late.1953 – FJW
There are still buds on Mag Grandiflora and Eucryphia pinatafolia has flowers. Heaths good – Early pink forms of Saluensis and Hamamelis. A few Sutchuenense hybrids. A good pink one in beech walk best. Frost has cut an odd early Rho Thompsonii but not scarlets which are beginning. Camellias taliensis and oleifera almost over. No Thompsonii x Arboreum out.
1931 – JCW
Much as in 1930 C speciosa is better and we have had nice Gardenia flowers up to 7 inches across. R venustum has supplied house flowers for two months.
1930 – JCW
Mucronulatum is very good, Camellia speciosa is opening in the wood and in the walk. The Hamamelis is very fine indeed, much of the wreckage of the storm of Dec 5th has been cleaned up in the New Planting and the men have done a fine work seeing the shooting parties and Christmas.
1928 – JCW
Much behind the above owing to 3 weeks of cold. Mucronulatum is not open but Hamamelis is.
1927 – JCW
H Mollis is very good, Thompsonii x Arboreum a fair lot, one Sutchuenense hybrid flower, but there are no buds to speak of in this section. A few irroratum are opening, mucronulatum has a lot of flower.