2024 – CHW
In the garden here at Backstay, Seaview.
Hypericum ‘Hidcote’ nearly over.

2023 – CHW
A visit to a garden in Bembridge which I know quite well. Superb news from Captain George in Cornwall that we had 4 inches of rain last week!
Cotinus coggygria in full flower – smothered by flower in fact. Seeds forming in the inflorescences.

2022 – CHW
A decent thunderstorm breaks over Burncoose.
The Hemerocallis bed in all its glory.

A visit to the greenhouse to see what new was out.Digitalis sceptrum from Madeira nicely in flower. Well worth propagating. A woody (greenhouse) shrub. The second year it has flowered. A gift from Windsor.
A trip to Kennel Close to see what is new here.More deer nibbling on Sorbus meliosmifolia. The leaves are similar to Meliosma.
Crataegus wattiana performing well for the first time.
2019 – CHW
Penvergate grass now all cut for the year.
In our absence Jaimie has been recording events in the drought here.KPK have been doing an excellent job repairing the buttresses on the Top Wall in the heat. These were the walls whose construction finally bankrupted the Trevanion family in the 1820s and led them to flee to France in the 1840s. You can see why! Lots of repointing the holes and cracks plus relaying the slate slabs in cement on the top to follow.

2017 – CHW
Two very different forms of Hydrangea sargentiana. One with huge leaves and one with tiny ones. The smaller flowers look like Hydrangea villosa at first but not when you examine the flower more closely. The blue and light blue anthers are quite different too. Seven separate plants in two batches were planted here in 2008/9. Three survive!
2016 – CHW
Camellia grisjii on the drive has startling red, I think, secondary new growth which makes it stand out from the rest of the camellia avenue.
A very early flowering variety with good scent. Attractive all year round.Agapanthus campanulatus ‘Rosewarne’ has large rounded flowers which are sky blue, fading a little later. When a single bulb produces a single flower the ‘flowerballs’ are even larger but here, in long established and crowded clumps which have been in the same spot for decades, they can be a bit smaller.
Hydrangea seemanii full out over the arch by the back yard. What a spectacle this self clinging evergreen climber actually makes. It first flowered in Cornwall 25 or so years ago at Trevarno where after dinner we once had a drunken inspection of the rather phallic buds.

1992 – FJW
A really good and much needed soak.
1923 – JCW
Buddleias are nice. Plagianthus lyalii some very good. No Discolor or Auriculatums. Romneya coulteri very good also American Pillars and violas.
1914 – JCW
Very little in flower. Cassia good. Violas nice. Buddleia good. Bulbs mostly moved. Six or seven species of rhodo open, R keysii amongst them.
1908 – JCW
Buddleias (blue) just opening. [Rose] Papa Gontier good and General T.
Hand written note attached to Garden Book page,undated.
From Werrington Park,
re 4238 of Ward and Meconopsis 25933 = Integrifolia.