8th June

FJ Williams Profile Picture
FJW 1955-2007
CH Williams Profile Picture
CHW 2015-
JC Williams Profile Picture
JCW 1897-1939
C Williams Profile Picture
CW 1940-1955

2024 – CHW

A visit to Pengelly Farms with friends from the Isle of Wight.

From the top of the biodigester.

From the top of the biodigester
From the top of the biodigester
From the top of the biodigester
From the top of the biodigester
From the top of the biodigester
From the top of the biodigester
One of the two engines driven by the gas from the fermentation.
One of the two engines
One of the two engines
One of the two engines
One of the two engines
The main plant and feed storage bays.
The main plant
The main plant
Potato sorting machines and the end product – £15 per box.
Potato sorting machines
Potato sorting machines
end product
end product
Potato sorting machines
Potato sorting machines
Potato sorting machines
Potato sorting machines
Another trailer load of Jazzy potatoes.
Another trailer load of Jazzy potatoes
Another trailer load of Jazzy potatoes
The Burncoose Nurseries stand at the Royal Cornwall Show.
Burncoose Nurseries stand at the Royal Cornwall Show
Burncoose Nurseries stand at the Royal Cornwall Show
Burncoose Nurseries stand at the Royal Cornwall Show
Burncoose Nurseries stand at the Royal Cornwall Show
Burncoose Nurseries stand at the Royal Cornwall Show
Burncoose Nurseries stand at the Royal Cornwall Show
Burncoose Nurseries stand at the Royal Cornwall Show
Burncoose Nurseries stand at the Royal Cornwall Show

2023 – CHW

Justin with the large Gold Medal for the Burncoose stand at the Royal Cornwall Show in the Flower Tent. Congratulations to Louisa, Molly and the team. The best display in the tent of rare and unusual plants and a fitting follow up to the Chelsea Gold Medal.

Justin with the large Gold Medal
Justin with the large Gold Medal
Outside the Members Tent at Royal Cornwall a perfect Callistemon citrinus ‘Perth Pink’
Callistemon citrinus ‘Perth Pink’
Callistemon citrinus ‘Perth Pink’
Callistemon citrinus ‘Perth Pink’
Callistemon citrinus ‘Perth Pink’
Beside it a nearly over Callistemon salignus.
Callistemon salignus
Callistemon salignus
I photographed the variegated leaved Philadelphus in flower last year. Philadelphus coronarius ‘Variegatus’ I assume with plenty of new shoots with normal revision to green leaves.
Philadelphus coronarius ‘Variegatus’
Philadelphus coronarius ‘Variegatus’
Philadelphus coronarius ‘Variegatus’
Philadelphus coronarius ‘Variegatus’
Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Diabolo’ – as good a specimen in flower as I have seen.
Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Diabolo’
Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Diabolo’
Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Diabolo’
Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Diabolo’
A relaxed lunch in the CLA members tent – Phil Rogers.
Phil Rogers
Phil Rogers
Simon Rogers and Lizzie.
Simon Rogers and Lizzie
Simon Rogers and Lizzie

2022 – CHW

Showery but warm.

Contrary to what we had thought the swans have five cygnets and not three.

The climbing (through something else) Vallea stipularis are nicely into flower at the greenhouse. Originates in the Andes, Columbia. Ought to be more widely grown.
Vallea stipularis
Vallea stipularis
Vallea stipularis
Vallea stipularis
The nursery has had the odd complaint about our Thujopsis dolbrata being “variegated”. It is not really and the variegation is minor and irregular. Less than 2% on the stock plant tree and doing no one any harm at all!
Thujopsis dolbrata
Thujopsis dolbrata
Thujopsis dolbrata
Thujopsis dolbrata
Flag iris in Middle Moor flowering away as a huge clump. Iris pseudoacorus. Normally I miss this flowering over Chelsea week so it is later than usual this year.
Iris pseudoacorus
Iris pseudoacorus
Iris pseudoacorus
Iris pseudoacorus
Iris pseudoacorus
Iris pseudoacorus
The Countryside Alliance send a photographer and journalist to the rearing field to interview Serena about pheasant rearing and encouraging youngsters to take up the sport. Here the photographer photographs me photographing the iris!
The three separate Trevarrick barn conversions three weeks from completion and looking very lettable. Letting agents, Millerson, appointed and awaiting offers from prospective new tenants.
Trevarrick barn conversions
Trevarrick barn conversions
Trevarrick barn conversions
Trevarrick barn conversions
Trevarrick barn conversions
Trevarrick barn conversions
Trevarrick barn conversions
Trevarrick barn conversions
Trevarrick barn conversions
Trevarrick barn conversions
Trevarrick barn conversions
Trevarrick barn conversions
Trevarrick barn conversions
Trevarrick barn conversions
Trevarrick barn conversions
Trevarrick barn conversions
Trevarrick barn conversions
Trevarrick barn conversions
Trevarrick barn conversions
Trevarrick barn conversions
Trevarrick barn conversions
Trevarrick barn conversions
Trevarrick barn conversions
Trevarrick barn conversions

2021 – CHW

Today a record of Colin French’s recent wildflower survey over the estate.

A. Cornish Moneywort

B. Cornish Ramping-fumitory

C. Orchids and Mossy Clubmoss

D. Tin Garden plant list

2020 – CHW
Deutzia x hybrida ‘Strawberry Fields’

Deutzia x hybrida ‘Strawberry Fields’
Deutzia x hybrida ‘Strawberry Fields’
Deutzia scabra alongside it stunning still.
Deutzia scabra
Deutzia scabra
Azalea indica colours near the Top Lodge. At least half a dozen different plants. Most are sparse flowerers but one or two are covered. Two great banks of plants.
Azalea indica
Azalea indica
Azalea indica
Azalea indica
Azalea indica
Azalea indica
Azalea indica
Azalea indica
Azalea indica
Azalea indica
Azalea indica
Azalea indica
The same late flowering orange azalea as by the Fernery.
Late flowering orange azalea
Late flowering orange azalea
Podocarpus elongatus ‘Blue Chip’ has blue podocarps forming in profusion which I have not seen before on this supposedly tender South African species. Wonderful foliage colour and the new growth is perfect now for Asia to start cuttings going again.
Podocarpus elongatus ‘Blue Chip’
Podocarpus elongatus ‘Blue Chip’
Podocarpus elongatus ‘Blue Chip’
Podocarpus elongatus ‘Blue Chip’
Podocarpus elongatus ‘Blue Chip’
Podocarpus elongatus ‘Blue Chip’
Magnolia x brooklynensis ‘Titan’ has very yellow leaves. Drought strain I fear. Terminal?
Magnolia x brooklynensis ‘Titan’
Magnolia x brooklynensis ‘Titan’
Magnolia x brooklynensis ‘Titan’
Magnolia x brooklynensis ‘Titan’
Styrax japonicus ‘Jippei-Kawamure’ flowers properly for the first time with huge flowers. It has grown quickly into a small tree.
Styrax japonicus ‘Jippei-Kawamure’
Styrax japonicus ‘Jippei-Kawamure’
Styrax japonicus ‘Jippei-Kawamure’
Styrax japonicus ‘Jippei-Kawamure’
Styrax japonicus ‘Jippei-Kawamure’
Styrax japonicus ‘Jippei-Kawamure’
I finally locate our other (2014 planted) Carrierea calycina which is not where it should be on the plan. This one has a noticeably different leaf form to our older plant from Penrice Castle and a denser more upright growth habit. Compare these pictures to a day or two ago.
Carrierea calycina
Carrierea calycina
Carrierea calycina
Carrierea calycina
Carrierea calycina
Carrierea calycina
Flowers on a young Sorbus hupehensis.
Sorbus hupehensis
Sorbus hupehensis
Pterocarya rhederiana ‘Fern Leaf’ with its genuinely extraordinary foliage. This young plant has much better foliage than the one in the Rookery. Note the Pterocarya graft shooting at ground level which needs cutting out.
Pterocarya rhederiana ‘Fern Leaf’
Pterocarya rhederiana ‘Fern Leaf’
Pterocarya rhederiana ‘Fern Leaf’
Pterocarya rhederiana ‘Fern Leaf’
Pterocarya rhederiana ‘Fern Leaf’
Pterocarya rhederiana ‘Fern Leaf’
Pterocarya rhederiana ‘Fern Leaf’
Pterocarya rhederiana ‘Fern Leaf’
Cornus kousa var. chinensis ‘Xanthocarpa’ has yellow (not red) fruits which we can now look forward to as it flowers for the first time.
Cornus kousa var. chinensis ‘Xanthocarpa’
Cornus kousa var. chinensis ‘Xanthocarpa’
Cornus kousa var. chinensis ‘Xanthocarpa’
Cornus kousa var. chinensis ‘Xanthocarpa’
Cornus kousa var. chinensis ‘Xanthocarpa’
Cornus kousa var. chinensis ‘Xanthocarpa’
Deer have nibbled it!
Deer have nibbled it!
Deer have nibbled it!

Two decent plants of Rhododendron ‘Fabia’ – one now dead in the drought.

Rhododendron ‘Fabia’
Rhododendron ‘Fabia’
Rhododendron ‘Fabia’
Rhododendron ‘Fabia’
Rhododendron ‘Fabia’
Rhododendron ‘Fabia’
Broussonettia papyrifera – these two trees (1991 planted) are both females and what you see here are the spherical flower clusters. The males have catkins. We used to have a third male plant here which died so we will not see autumn fruits I fear.
Broussonettia papyrifera
Broussonettia papyrifera
Broussonettia papyrifera
Broussonettia papyrifera
Broussonettia papyrifera
Broussonettia papyrifera
Broussonettia papyrifera
Broussonettia papyrifera

2019 – CHW

Thank heavens for some proper rain. The garden looks so much better already and you can see everywhere water starved plants picking up and producing new growth.

The Liriodendron tulipifera also has flowers but they have been battered in the wind and rain. Quite different to those of Liriodendron chinense.

Liriodendron tulipifera
Liriodendron tulipifera
Liriodendron tulipifera
Liriodendron tulipifera
Syringa prestoniae ‘Minuet’ just open. Very pretty.
Syringa prestoniae ‘Minuet’
Syringa prestoniae ‘Minuet’
Syringa prestoniae ‘Minuet’
Syringa prestoniae ‘Minuet’
Two other very late flowering ‘American’ (see earlier description) deciduous azaleas by the Trevanion Holly. Dull colours but two to three weeks later than all the others.
deciduous azaleas
deciduous azaleas
deciduous azaleas
deciduous azaleas
deciduous azaleas
deciduous azaleas
deciduous azaleas
deciduous azaleas
Meliosma oldhamii is still not out but the inflorescences are huge.
Meliosma oldhamii
Meliosma oldhamii
Meliosma oldhamii
Meliosma oldhamii
Magnolia globosa has appeared after the rain. About half the buds have opened.
Magnolia globosa
Magnolia globosa
Magnolia globosa
Magnolia globosa
Magnolia virginiana ‘Satellite’ is now full out too but mainly about 12-15ft high at the top of the small tree.
Magnolia virginiana ‘Satellite’
Magnolia virginiana ‘Satellite’
Magnolia virginiana ‘Satellite’
Magnolia virginiana ‘Satellite’

2018 – CHW
HRH visits the Cornwall Red Squirrel Project stand at the Royal Cornwall Show today rather interrupting lunch!
HRH visits the Cornwall Red Squirrel Project stand
HRH visits the Cornwall Red Squirrel Project stand
HRH visits the Cornwall Red Squirrel Project
HRH visits the Cornwall Red Squirrel Project
HRH visits the Cornwall Red Squirrel Project
HRH visits the Cornwall Red Squirrel Project

2017 – CHW
A wet day at the Royal Cornwall Show. Large gold medal for the Burncoose stand in the flower tent designed by Louisa and Christine. Christine’s first attempt at a stand for us and very good.

Attended the president’s lunch where the floral arrangement was cow-parsley and ornamental pheasant feathers. Odd! The food was excellent.

Dreadful and unbelievable election result. Britain will soon be as bankrupt as Greece. Stayed up most of the night drinking only water with Corbett. That is perhaps unbelievable too!

2016 – CHW
Sheila Reeves-Smyth (Lizzie’s aunt and Alice’s sister) 90th birthday party at Hardimount House, in Tullow, County Carlow, Ireland. One hundred and twenty guests and a house full of her enormous family who all talk in loud cheerful voices without listening to a word of any replies. Hysterical and gorgeous. The last relics of Anglo Irish colonialism at its very best. We could all have been in Sussex!Sheila’s garden is as good and well-tended a set of herbaceous borders as I have ever seen. Quite a few Burncoose shrubs on the walls too. Remarkable for someone aged 90 who lives on her own.Here is a flavour of the garden taken on my phone shortly after I had taken Christian Lamb (aged 97 and ex Tregrehan) on a garden tour while the drinking gets started properly.
flavour of the garden
flavour of the garden
flavour of the garden
flavour of the garden
flavour of the garden
flavour of the garden
flavour of the garden
flavour of the garden
A huge sit down lunch prepared entirely by Sheila’s children and very good too. On my table are the Shackleton family of Polar fame and a serious garden makeover (potential) customer from a nearby castle. Everyone very well animated but only one guest seriously drunk on departure which was quite a surprise. After a brief sleep we return for the post mortem and supper. Fortunately the wine supplies hold out and we give Terence some stick over the seating plan which was a gorgeous cock up wasting hours of happy time as not everyone had a name place and not everyone turned up ‘as expected’ (but what do you expect at this sort of party!).

2015 – CHW

Enkianthus hirtinervus 3
Enkianthus hirtinervus

Around the garden with managers from Eden and Heligan. Iain is much taken with Magnolia ‘Summer Solstice’ but Magnolia globosa is still not out and Magnolia virginiana ‘Satellite’ will not be out for a week or so.

We look (again) at Enkianthus hirtinervus which they have not seen.  There are some old enkianthus at Heligan but no newer varieties.  Horticulture Week features an article on enkianthus based on my lecture.  Sadly what they depict as Enkianthus campanulatus most definitely is not as it is pink with stripes all over and much more like Enkianthus campanulatus var palibini.

Enkianthus hirtinervus 2
Enkianthus hirtinervus
Enkianthus hirtinervus 1
Enkianthus hirtinervus
Enkianthus hirtinervus 4
Enkianthus hirtinervus

1919 – JCW
Madame Lemoine has been splendid. Ponticums go back, Auklandii are gone. Syringa villosa very good. C chrysocoma rather burnt. The azaleas are going off.

1915 – JCW
Maddeni x cinnabarinum is the best rhodo . Ponticums at their best. Azaleas going back. Lilac Madame Lemoine goes back. Species villosa in the New Planting good. C chrysocoma is very fine.

1905 – JCW
Just going to Strathvaich. I have picked all Caerhays, ¾ of K.A, all Jacko, some Monarch and Weardale etc, and sown some pot seed.

1902 – JCW
Have moved a lot of bulbs lately, very little seed but the Caerhays , H Irving and G Spur ripe.

1897 – JCW
R calophytum in flower, several nigras at full height.