Tregrehan Gardens Visit – 15th March 2019

back to 17th March.

The highlights of the visit to Tregrehan on Friday.

Seedling from Camellia reticulata ‘Nuccios Ruby’

Edgeworthia chrysantha growing in open woodland

Sarcocca wallichii with huge black berries

Nothofagus dombeyi trunk

Camellia ‘Black Lace’

Dacrycarpus dacrydioides trunk. These are growing as a clump of five trees.

Rhododendron frangipanensis in full flower. New species to me.

Arbutus canariensis with a flower

Podocarpus matudae with huge podocarps

Illicium mexicanum in full flower

Rhododendron prostitum seedlings. Pink at first fading to near white.

Rhododendron rireii – the best form I have ever seen

Pinus bhutanica

Camellia trichocarpa full out with its amazing bark

Michelia platypetala

Nothofagus menziesii – trunk

Hedychium unknown species which Tom collected in a limestone crevice in ?Vietnam

Purple new growth on Rhododendron nuttallii in the greenhouse

Illicium simonsii – pinkish in bud opening pale yellow, highly scented.