12th January 1897- 2020

FJ Williams Profile Picture
FJW 1955-2007
CH Williams Profile Picture
CHW 2015-
JC Williams Profile Picture
JCW 1897-1939
C Williams Profile Picture
CW 1940-1955

2020 – CHW
We are now switching to using sunflower seeds in the squirrel traps as the maize is not attracting them any more.

sunflower seeds in the squirrel traps
sunflower seeds in the squirrel traps
sunflower seeds in the squirrel traps
sunflower seeds in the squirrel traps
A blackbird with white markings seen in the village.
This is a camellia gall at the tip of a twig and not a flower!
camellia gall
camellia gall

2019 – CHW
First flowers on Osmanthus yunnanensis. Only a few bits of the old pollarded tree survive.
Osmanthus yunnanensis
Osmanthus yunnanensis
Laurus azorica covered in bud.
Laurus azorica
Laurus azorica
Clematis cirrhosa var. balerica full out on the lawn. A bit later than last year I suspect. The reference books say C. var. balerica has pale yellow flowers. These are yellowish in bud but fading to white.
Clematis cirrhosa var. balerica
Clematis cirrhosa var. balerica
Clematis cirrhosa var. balerica
Clematis cirrhosa var. balerica

2018 – CHW
More evergreen azaleas out on the Main Ride. A clump of my father’s hybrids which are unnamed and quite dark in colour but not really that good.
evergreen azaleas
evergreen azaleas
evergreen azaleas
evergreen azaleas
Camellia ‘Reigyoku’ with its variegated foliage and single dark red flowers. Not to everyone’s taste but good today if you like your camellias a bit different. A good article in the yearbook of the International Camellia Society on camellias with variegated leaves this year.
Camellia ‘Reigyoku’
Camellia ‘Reigyoku’
Camellia ‘Reigyoku’
Camellia ‘Reigyoku’
Camellia ‘Reigyoku’
Camellia ‘Reigyoku’
Lindera triloba has suddenly ‘joined the dodo’. No obvious reason why after a good 15 years of growth here. No damage to the trunk at ground level and does not look like honey fungus. It was just starting to flower well.
Lindera triloba
Lindera triloba
Camellia champetre ‘Fairy Blush’ is nicely out but only just two years from planting.
Camellia champetre ‘Fairy Blush’
Camellia champetre ‘Fairy Blush’
Xanthocyparis vietnamensis looked yellow and sick in the summer but is now flourishing again. Typical of some of the more unusual conifers before the new growth emerges? Here the new growth is still happening but frost risks severe. Easy to root from cuttings.
Xanthocyparis vietnamensis
Xanthocyparis vietnamensis
Xanthocyparis vietnamensis
Xanthocyparis vietnamensis

2017 – CHW
Very heavy rain all day. Cold north wind and snow up country. I think that the plants all knew this was coming and hence why, despite the mild autumn, everything is well behind last year. The garden has not moved at all from Christmas really and the camellias are definitely late overall.

2016 – CHW
Despite the thunder, hail and torrential rain over the weekend the magnolia outside the back yard continues to come out despite some damage. Now about a dozen flowers.

Magnolia outside back yard
Magnolia outside back yard
Magnolia outside back yard
Magnolia outside back yard

1997 – FJW
Thaw came and produced very mild weather.

1987 – FJW
The coldest day I have seen. 10° frost (10 a.m), 18° frost (10 p.m), moderate snow.

1978 – FJW
Fine unspoilt blooms of Trewidden Grande brought in by Philip.

1964 – FJW
Charles picked first snowdrop.

1935 – JCW
A few Lutescens, the best of the mucronulatum killed on Jan 11th.

1914 – JCW
Coums at about ⅓. Flowers are open on the following species of Rhodoⁿ chrysanthum, keysii, yunnanense, lutescens, blood red Arboreum, mucronulatum (vg), Fargesii, 2 or 3 Camellias.

1902 – JCW
Coums at their very best. The first Soleil D’or open.