2024 – CHW
Another Rhododendron moupinense with just a single flower by the garden entrance.

2023 – CHW
Ternstroemia aff. chapaensis (WWJ 11918) now ready for planting out. We are now growing 3 species of Ternstroemia.

A swollen pond and flooded water meadows after recent heavy rain. The islands well under water as you can see.
Camellia sasanqua ‘Paradise Blush’ looking good on the drive. Semi-double, delicate and blushing!
Incredibly mild and sea fret overnight under a full moon. The camellias are rushing out day by day in the warmth and sun of unlocked down Cornwall.Views today of the reflections in the lake and the castle in a slight haze as the last mist lifts.
Sunshine and finally some of the cold autumn weather we have been promised after six wet weeks.The Camellia x williamsii ‘JC Williams’ hedge outside the front arch is now full out and I cut a bunch for Lizzie to decorate Dad & Mum’s new granite headstone and surround which is finally complete in the churchyard.
The camellia season is upon us with many first flowers to be seen.Camellia ‘Tricolor’ on the drive.
Erica arborea coming out above the castle. No scent today late afternoon.
First flowers on Camellia x williamsii ‘George Blandford’ on the Main Ride. Rather small flowers on this old plant.
2015 – CHW
Nice colours on Parrotia persica which will probably be out in flower in four to six weeks with no winter hibernation at all.

2000 – FJW
George Williams fired air gun and connected with a tin. [?] and played the flute.
1932 – JCW
Lapagerias nice. Cam sasanqua has been good. R lutescens opening some early ones. Erica darleyense has fairly started opening. Fuchsias our best things.
1921 – JCW
Just about as in 1917 but we have had good planting weather for November. Erica cordonodes is nice, the lapagerias hold on and one Rho sutchuenense is opening.
1917 – JCW
Had three weeks dry, it is a cold S.E wind. Bits of Cam sasanqua and Cam japonica open also Erica codonodes and darleyense. Rho venustum is nice. Cotoneaster salicifolia is good.
1916 – JCW
Much as in 1914 but it is dry now after a very wet autumn.
1914 – JCW
No snow so far, not much frost. Geraniums holding on. Lapagerias several. Camellia sasanqua a few. Some roses. We have lately had real rain in a dry autumn.
1904 – JCW
Heavy snow and some frost last week, not very much damage. Measured a leaf of Mag hypoleuca to be 17 1/2 inches by 8 ½. Lapagerias and Cam sasanqua coming again after the frost. Bits of Erica codonodes out. Nar M clusii open in a frame.