2024 – CHW
Storm Darragh strikes and the drive is closed by falling trees. A NW wind.
Branches block the entrance below White Styles.

Below is a list of plants recently arrived from Pavia for growing on and planting out.
– Corylus yunnanensis
– Corylus ferox var. tibetica
– Juglans nigra ‘Laciniata’
– Juglans microcarpa
– Quercus skinneri
– Quercus cuneata
– Quercus humboldtii
– Quercus mexicana
– Quercus toxicodendrifolia
Camellia grijsii is suddenly well out although I looked only 3 days ago. Too windy for any decent scent today.

Camellia sasanqua ‘Narumigata’ and Camellia x williamsii – unnamed.
A digger has removed the stumps on the felled leylandii hedge in Kennel Close. Lots of room for planting! New magnolia varieties due in from Germany shortly I hope.

A large amount of secondary new growth on Rhododendron griersonianum.
One of the posts from Slip Rail has nearly rotted out. You can see how the slip rails work.
A new problem with the squirrel traps. We have been catching a few recently but not enough. Mice are squeezing into the side of the bait boxes above the spring trap itself and removing the bait thereby making the traps useless unless restocked with bait (whole maize, peanuts and hazelnuts) more frequently. Perhaps we should put the traps higher up the trees to deter mice? Then we would need to carry round a ladder every day when they are inspected. I think the answer is to move the traps around from tree to tree more frequently so that mice do not hone in on them so easily.
I had been expecting to find Camellia ‘Cornish Snow’ out for a week or two but had missed these two elderly, gnarled and partly cut back plants below Slip Rail. Large flowers on the younger cut back new growth with blue tit damage obvious on some. A little browning from frost. Other plants elsewhere in the garden still to show.
One always thinks there is ‘nothing’ out in December but forgets Arbutus unedo is full out now.
2015 – CHW
Heavens what a show! Camellia x williamsii ‘St Ewe’ may only have one flower on the castle wall but, in more shelter, above the Auklandii Garden a display which makes one think spring is here. This clump was cut back five to seven years ago and has prospered with simply huge flowers. Much bigger than on a mature plant which had not been pruned hard.

November Pink well and truly loaded.
Everything late. Cam oleifera good – November Pink has about 20 flowers and 2 vases in hall. Cam sasanqua almost over. One double white – no others out. A few bits of Rho Yellow Hammer and others but no Auriculatum hybrids left. Some coum cyclamen and a couple of flowers of early white polyanthus daffodil. None others any bud. A few Rho maddeni hybrids have bits. Fuchsias still quite nice.
I made my first cross for the coming year, the tree heaths have been good for a week or more.