27th February

FJ Williams Profile Picture
FJW 1955-2007
CH Williams Profile Picture
CHW 2015-
JC Williams Profile Picture
JCW 1897-1939
C Williams Profile Picture
CW 1940-1955

2025 – CHW

Through the arch today.

Through the arch today
Through the arch today
The Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ on the bank today.
Magnolia ‘Lanarth’
Magnolia ‘Lanarth’
First flowers on one of the Magnolia ‘Caerhays Splendour’ on the bank.
Magnolia ‘Caerhays Splendour’
Magnolia ‘Caerhays Splendour’
Outside the Back Yard.
Outside the Back Yard
Outside the Back Yard
Outside the Front Gate.
Outside the Front Gate
Outside the Front Gate
Flooded water meadows and swans, ducks, pheasants and 2 egrets.
Flooded water meadows
Flooded water meadows
Flooded water meadows
Flooded water meadows
Magnolia ‘Eleanor May’ is a New Zealand cross between M. x soulangeana ‘Rustica Rubra’ and M. campbellii subsp. mollicomata ‘Lanarth’. Its never been as good as this before in 40 Acres.
Magnolia ‘Eleanor May’
Magnolia ‘Eleanor May’
Magnolia ‘Eleanor May’
Magnolia ‘Eleanor May’
Also in 40 Acres Magnolia mollicomata ‘Werrington’ flowering its heart out.
Magnolia mollicomata ‘Werrington’
Magnolia mollicomata ‘Werrington’
Magnolia mollicomata ‘Werrington’
Magnolia mollicomata ‘Werrington’
The Schefflera in 40 Acres which is not quite S. macrophylla.
A young Magnolia ‘F. J. Williams’ at the entrance to Old Park.
Magnolia ‘F. J. Williams’
Magnolia ‘F. J. Williams’
Magnolia ‘F. J. Williams’
Magnolia ‘F. J. Williams’
First flowers out on Magnolia ‘Coronation’ above the Beatrice Rose Plantation of Camellia sasanquas.
Magnolia ‘Coronation’
Magnolia ‘Coronation’
Magnolia ‘Leonora’ blown open prematurely and not a good colour this time.
Magnolia ‘Leonora’
Magnolia ‘Leonora’

2024 – CHW
Despite the wind, or perhaps because of it, many of the best very dark red and very dark purple magnolias are just coming out. So, today, an attempt to look at some of the best of the newer ones.Magnolia sprengeri ‘Westonbirt’ above the Crinodendron Hedge. Rather better and darker today than the Tin Garden one which we saw blown open 10 days ago.
Magnolia sprengeri ‘Westonbirt’
Magnolia sprengeri ‘Westonbirt’
Magnolia sprengeri ‘Westonbirt’
Magnolia sprengeri ‘Westonbirt’
A young Camellia japonica ‘Strawberry Parfait’. The flowers seem buried in the foliage.
Camellia japonica ‘Strawberry Parfait’
Camellia japonica ‘Strawberry Parfait’
Magnolia ‘J.C. Williams’ x Magnolia ‘Apollo’ just coming out in Tin Garden. Not much sign of ‘Apollo’ so far!
Magnolia ‘J.C. Williams’ x Magnolia ‘Apollo’
Magnolia ‘J.C. Williams’ x Magnolia ‘Apollo’
Magnolia ‘Aphrodite’ (M. ‘Black Tulip’ x M. soulangeana ‘Deep Purple Dream’). Confusingly the name ‘Aphrodite’ appeared long after we planted this cross.
Magnolia ‘Aphrodite’ (M. ‘Black Tulip’ x M. soulangeana ‘Deep Purple Dream’)
Magnolia ‘Aphrodite’ (M. ‘Black Tulip’ x M. soulangeana ‘Deep Purple Dream’)
Magnolia ‘Aphrodite’ (M. ‘Black Tulip’ x M. soulangeana ‘Deep Purple Dream’)
Magnolia ‘Aphrodite’ (M. ‘Black Tulip’ x M. soulangeana ‘Deep Purple Dream’)
Magnolia ‘Vulcan’ x Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’. No specific name as far as I know. Rounded flower.
Magnolia ‘Vulcan’ x Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’
Magnolia ‘Vulcan’ x Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’
Magnolia ‘Vulcan’ x Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’
Magnolia ‘Vulcan’ x Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’
Magnolia ‘Antje Zandee’ (M. ‘Black Tulip x M. soulangeana ‘Deep Purple Dream’) only just starting but not that different today to ‘Aphrodite’ as you can see. These last 3 in Area 24 of Kennel Close.
Magnolia ‘Antje Zandee’ (M. ‘Black Tulip x M. soulangeana ‘Deep Purple Dream’)
Magnolia ‘Antje Zandee’ (M. ‘Black Tulip x M. soulangeana ‘Deep Purple Dream’)
Magnolia ‘Antje Zandee’ (M. ‘Black Tulip x M. soulangeana ‘Deep Purple Dream’)
Magnolia ‘Antje Zandee’ (M. ‘Black Tulip x M. soulangeana ‘Deep Purple Dream’)
Magnolia ‘Crystal Tulip’ is not at all bad in Area 25 of Kennel Close.
Magnolia ‘Crystal Tulip’
Magnolia ‘Crystal Tulip’
What is, I presume, natural bark split in our largest Mespilus germanica.
Mespilus germanica
Mespilus germanica
The new to us Magnolia ‘Vulcan’s Forge’ now full out. One of Philippe de Spoelberch’s new hybrids says the Eisenhut book but it does not list the parentage. MSI says on Lunaplant website it is M. ‘Star Wars’ x M. ‘Vulcan’.
Magnolia ‘Vulcan’s Forge’
Magnolia ‘Vulcan’s Forge’
Magnolia ‘Vulcan’s Forge’
Magnolia ‘Vulcan’s Forge’
Similarly the new Magnolia ‘Flaming Heart’ – very dark outer tepals.
Magnolia ‘Flaming Heart’
Magnolia ‘Flaming Heart’
This is Lunaplant website variety – M. ‘Big Dude’ x M. ‘Vulcan’. Annoyingly the label has vanished but clearly one of the sprengeri – middle above Hovel Cart Road.
M. ‘Big Dude’ x M. ‘Vulcan’
M. ‘Big Dude’ x M. ‘Vulcan’
M. ‘Big Dude’ x M. ‘Vulcan’
M. ‘Big Dude’ x M. ‘Vulcan’
Magnolia campbellii ‘Darjeeling’ above Hovel Cart Road.
Magnolia campbellii ‘Darjeeling’
Magnolia campbellii ‘Darjeeling’
Magnolia campbellii ‘Darjeeling’
Magnolia campbellii ‘Darjeeling’
Magnolia ‘Felicity’ x M. denudata – planted 2013 and now quite nice on Hovel Cart Road but nothing very special.
Magnolia ‘Felicity’ x M. denudata
Magnolia ‘Felicity’ x M. denudata
Magnolia ‘Felicity’ x M. denudata
Magnolia ‘Felicity’ x M. denudata
Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’ x M. ‘J.C. Williams’ planted in 2013 above Hovel Cart Road. Is this now officially called M. ‘Anne Leitner’, or is it called ‘A. E. Bold’, or is this another unnamed seedling from the same cross? No way of knowing when we get subsequent naming as here. Not much different to ‘Anne’ Leitner’ though, ‘Aphrodite’, ‘A. E. Bold’ and ‘Antje Zandee’ are all very similar indeed (as you would expect from much the same parentage). All good, all well worth growing, but does one really need all 4? I would argue that our M. ‘Leonora’ might even be a better colour but that would be obvious favouritism!
Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’ x M. ‘J.C. Williams’
Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’ x M. ‘J.C. Williams’

2023 – CHW

A visit to Belvoir Castle to place out 250 rare and unusual trees from Burncoose in the parkland and woodland gardens.

An ancient tractor and Hamamelis mollis ‘Pallida’ in the newly developed Engine House Yard.

ancient tractor
ancient tractor
Helleborus argutifolius just opening.
Helleborus argutifolius
Helleborus argutifolius
Double flowered snowdrops (few singles) carpet literally acres of the woodland.
Double flowered snowdrops
Double flowered snowdrops
More new spaces for planting flowering trees for below the castle.
new spaces
new spaces
new spaces
new spaces
Topiary and shrouded statues.
Topiary and shrouded statues
Topiary and shrouded statues
David Austin has supplied new roses to go into the rose garden.
new roses
new roses
Here is a short video made by Karol with Emma, Duchess of Rutland.

2022 – CHW

To Forty Acres and Penvergate. Magnolia campbellii ‘Sidbury’ now completely over.

A young Magnolia ‘Theodora’ in Penvergate with its first flowers.

Magnolia ‘Theodora’
Magnolia ‘Theodora’
Astonishingly the ancient Magnolia soulangeana are already in flower in February. I have never seen them even faintly this early.
Magnolia soulangeana
Magnolia soulangeana
Magnolia soulangeana
Magnolia soulangeana
Magnolia ‘Scented Gem’ (from Kevin Hughes Plants) is making good headway with a dozen or so flowers just about out. Not that remarkable a flower but the scent is excellent for a magnolia.
Magnolia ‘Scented Gem’
Magnolia ‘Scented Gem’
Magnolia ‘Scented Gem’
Magnolia ‘Scented Gem’
The top path of Forty Acres is littered with storm debris and a few blown over trees which were planted here after the 1990 hurricane.
top path of Forty Acres
top path of Forty Acres
Only a couple of magnolias showing colour in the main clearing.
the main clearing
the main clearing

2021 – CHW
The new laundry sorting building is taking shape in the farmyard remarkably quickly. The concrete base is all in and skimmed and the roof will be here by next week we hope.

new laundry sorting building
new laundry sorting building
new laundry sorting building
new laundry sorting building
new laundry sorting building
new laundry sorting building
A new upgraded security system is being installed in the rearing field. A fine day to finalise the details and still plenty of birds on the ground.
new upgraded security system
new upgraded security system
Magnolia ‘Scented Gem’ in Penvergate just showing. This was purchased from Kevin Hughes.
Magnolia ‘Scented Gem’
Magnolia ‘Scented Gem’
Magnolia campbellii ‘Sidbury’ full out in Penvergate in the sun.
Magnolia campbellii ‘Sidbury’
Magnolia campbellii ‘Sidbury’
Magnolia campbellii ‘Sidbury’
Magnolia campbellii ‘Sidbury’
Magnolia campbellii ‘Sidbury’
Magnolia campbellii ‘Sidbury’
A fine young Ilex kingiana is doing really well in Penvergate. I had previously thought it to be Ilex latifolia but now know I was wrong.
Ilex kingiana
Ilex kingiana
Ilex kingiana
Ilex kingiana
Jaimie has staked the Trachycarpus wagnerianus trunk which blew over in a gale with half its roots out of the ground.
Trachycarpus wagnerianus
Trachycarpus wagnerianus
Earlier in the week a sad moment when the family of Pam Kitts placed a beautiful bench in memory of Pam and her daughter on the lawn here. Pam had worked in the castle for many years since my mother’s time. I saw her here last at the 2019 Caerhays fete where her courage and determination in extreme ill health was all too obvious. Even more sadly Pam’s work colleague here, Cathy Vellenoweth, died a day after the new seat was first installed.
Earlier in the week
Earlier in the week
Earlier in the week
Earlier in the week

2020 – CHW
A Forestry Commission inspection of sweet chestnuts yesterday which meant visits to Old Park and Forty Acres which enabled us to see the young and older magnolias which were out there. We do not have any of the new sweet chestnut disease but a few older sweet chestnuts may have minor Phytophthora ramorum infection in basal water shoots which could easily be removed. So much for expensive aerial surveys when the reality on the ground is rather different. Derricks Wood has some 25 year old chestnuts and these were found to be fine despite what the photography had suggested.Magnolias in Old Park from the top path are absolutely perfect today.A good old Magnolia campbellii which now shows up well after clearance of the wood some six years ago.
Magnolia campbellii
Magnolia campbellii
Another young Magnolia campbellii ‘Blood Moon’ which has been less wind damaged than the other two which we saw a few days ago. Still nothing that outstanding or ‘bloody’.
Magnolia campbellii ‘Blood Moon’
Magnolia campbellii ‘Blood Moon’
Magnolia campbellii ‘Blood Moon’
Magnolia campbellii ‘Blood Moon’
A near white Magnolia campbellii subsp. mollicomata seedling – 50+ years old. Very similar to the Burncoose tree above the Tennis Court there.
Magnolia campbellii subsp. mollicomata seedling
Magnolia campbellii subsp. mollicomata seedling
Magnolia campbellii subsp. mollicomata seedling
Magnolia campbellii subsp. mollicomata seedling
Magnolia campbellii subsp. mollicomata seedling
Magnolia campbellii subsp. mollicomata seedling
A similar mature seedling of Magnolia sargentiana var. robusta. Rather better than ‘Blood Moon’!
Magnolia sargentiana var. robusta
Magnolia sargentiana var. robusta
Magnolia sargentiana var. robusta
Magnolia sargentiana var. robusta
First flowering at Caerhays of Rhododendron gratum (CN 3855). Similar to Rhododendron grande perhaps but with larger leaves. Only one of the three plants has flowers. No noticeable indumentum under the leaves. Not listed in the ‘pocket’ rhododendron bible.
Rhododendron gratum
Rhododendron gratum
Rhododendron gratum
Rhododendron gratum
Rhododendron gratum
Rhododendron gratum
On to Forty Acres and Magnolia ‘Frank Gladney’ was just coming out high up. This was registered in 1984 by Ken Durio of Louisiana Nursery as a cross between M. campbellii and an unknown pink Gresham hybrid. Quite nice.
Magnolia ‘Frank Gladney’
Magnolia ‘Frank Gladney’
Magnolia ‘Eleanor May’ is well worth growing and reminds me a little of Magnolia ‘Margaret Helen’.
Magnolia ‘Eleanor May’
Magnolia ‘Eleanor May’
Magnolia ‘Eleanor May’
Magnolia ‘Eleanor May’
Magnolia ‘Eleanor May’
Magnolia ‘Eleanor May’
Magnolia ‘Fireglow’ (Pickard’s hybrid) has never impressed and well battered here this year.
Magnolia ‘Fireglow’
Magnolia ‘Fireglow’
Magnolia ‘Fireglow’
Magnolia ‘Fireglow’
Magnolia ‘Pickard’s Crystal’ is in much the same category.
Magnolia ‘Pickard’s Crystal’
Magnolia ‘Pickard’s Crystal’

2019 – CHW
Starting to sort out the planting out for various areas from the greenhouse. Only time for the Rookery and the start of Old Park today. Four to five days will be needed this year as there are literally hundreds of plants to go out.In the sunlight the reddish indumentum on the back of the young leaves on named Magnolia grandiflora varieties looks fantastic.
Magnolia grandiflora
Magnolia grandiflora
As do the two magnolias above the wall.
magnolias above the wall
magnolias above the wall
magnolias above the wall
magnolias above the wall
Fuchsia magellanica ‘Alba’ full out on the top wall and still in leaf after this mild winter.
Fuchsia magellanica ‘Alba’
Fuchsia magellanica ‘Alba’
Flowers on a young Lindera praecox ready now for planting out. A new species to us and available at the nursery also.
Lindera praecox
Lindera praecox
Lindera praecox
Lindera praecox
Illicium philipinense, also a new species for planting out today, with its first flowers. This is going into the new clearing in the Rookery.
Illicium philipinense
Illicium philipinense
Illicium philipinense
Illicium philipinense
The second elderly mature Magnolia campbellii caught in the sun from above in the Rookery.
Magnolia campbellii
Magnolia campbellii
Magnolia campbellii
Magnolia campbellii
If you have not had enough of magnolias click here to see more of the best that February has ever offered before.

2018 – CHW
A Burncoose day full of three separate meetings.Very few magnolias out yet at Burncoose. Just the one in the magnolia avenue above the Camellia ‘Donation’ hedge at the nursery entrance.
magnolia avenue above the Camellia ‘Donation’ hedge
magnolia avenue above the Camellia ‘Donation’ hedge
magnolia avenue above the Camellia ‘Donation’ hedge
magnolia avenue above the Camellia ‘Donation’ hedge
The clump of Rhododendron ‘Red Admiral’ full out above the Rockery.
Rhododendron ‘Red Admiral’
Rhododendron ‘Red Admiral’
Is this Camellia ‘Mars’? More like Camellia ‘Takanini’ when I look it up.
Camellia ‘Takanini’
Camellia ‘Takanini’
Camellia ‘Takanini’
Camellia ‘Takanini’
Camellia ‘Little Bit’ is full out below the Tennis Court beside the path.
Camellia ‘Little Bit’
Camellia ‘Little Bit’
Camellia ‘Little Bit’
Camellia ‘Little Bit’
Rhododendron spinuliferum like we saw last week at Trewithen. Gold red colour but not full out yet. This is a young plant/cutting by the crossroads from the 30 to 40 year old one on the drive.
Rhododendron spinuliferum
Rhododendron spinuliferum
Rhododendron spinuliferum
Rhododendron spinuliferum
Rhododendron spinuliferum
Rhododendron spinuliferum
Michelia ‘Fairy White’ four to five years on from planting and absolutely full out a bit before the one at Caerhays.
Michelia ‘Fairy White’
Michelia ‘Fairy White’
Michelia ‘Fairy White’
Michelia ‘Fairy White’
Camellia ‘Leonard Messel’ full out. Look how variable the flowers are in size and frills! This is a Camellia reticulata x Camellia x williamsii cross and very fine today. Best camellia in the garden today?
Camellia ‘Leonard Messel’
Camellia ‘Leonard Messel’
Camellia ‘Leonard Messel’
Camellia ‘Leonard Messel’
Camellia ‘Leonard Messel’
Camellia ‘Leonard Messel’
Camellia ‘Leonard Messel’
Camellia ‘Leonard Messel’
Rhododendron moupinense in its prime too.
Rhododendron moupinense
Rhododendron moupinense
Rhododendron moupinense
Rhododendron moupinense
Rhododendron moupinense
Rhododendron moupinense
A rather better and darker flowered Camellia granthamiana than the one photographed at Caerhays a week or so ago. This one is by the steps up to the office. A paler and more floriferous form in the garden too.
Camellia granthamiana
Camellia granthamiana
Daphne ‘Perfume Princess’ now full out in one of the greenhouses.
Daphne ‘Perfume Princess’
Daphne ‘Perfume Princess’
Daphne ‘Perfume Princess’
Daphne ‘Perfume Princess’
Daphne ‘Perfume Princess’
Daphne ‘Perfume Princess’
Daphne ‘Perfume Princess’
Daphne ‘Perfume Princess’
A few new varieties of camellias recently imported from France to admire and photograph.
Camellia ‘L T Dees’
Camellia ‘L T Dees’
Camellia ‘L T Dees’
Camellia ‘L T Dees’
Camellia ‘L T Dees’
Camellia ‘Holly Bright’ extraordinary holly-like leaves!
Camellia ‘Holly Bright’
Camellia ‘Holly Bright’
Camellia ‘Holly Bright’
Camellia ‘Holly Bright’
Camellia ‘Holly Bright’
Camellia ‘Holly Bright’
Camellia x williamsii ‘Christmas Daffodil’
Camellia x williamsii ‘Christmas Daffodil’
Camellia x williamsii ‘Christmas Daffodil’
Camellia x williamsii ‘Christmas Daffodil’
Camellia x williamsii ‘Christmas Daffodil’
Camellia ‘Canterbury’
Camellia ‘Canterbury’
Camellia ‘Canterbury’
Camellia ‘Canterbury’
Camellia ‘Canterbury’
Also new to us and perhaps the website was a Senecio ‘Angel Wings’. Very fine white leaves which have an extraordinary white indumentum.
Senecio ‘Angel Wings’
Senecio ‘Angel Wings’
Senecio ‘Angel Wings’
Senecio ‘Angel Wings’
The last meeting of the day in the Burncoose dining room – eight of us including two of the dreaded ‘legal’ species.
Burncoose dining room
Burncoose dining room
The view from the Burncoose front door still has no magnolias at all showing. Rather good news as we all view the cold east winds.
view from the Burncoose front door
view from the Burncoose front door
view from the Burncoose front door
view from the Burncoose front door
This is a very rare conifer species – Keteleeria davidiana which Roundabarrow nurseries have propagated. A sod to get going and this plant clearly needs potting and caning up straight. From China and Taiwan. Long pointed leaves a bit like a huge yew.
Keteleeria davidiana
Keteleeria davidiana
Keteleeria davidiana
Keteleeria davidiana
Keteleeria davidiana
Keteleeria davidiana

2017 – CHW
A visit from old friends who used to garden at Sudbury. A pleasant tour of the garden before we were driven home by the rain.Magnolia ‘F J Williams’ is just out in the Auklandii Garden.

Magnolia campbellii ‘Darjeeling’ is also out and a very good colour this year. This is the younger of our two plants above the Magnolia veitchii.
Magnolia campbellii ‘Darjeeling’
Magnolia campbellii ‘Darjeeling’
Magnolia campbellii ‘Darjeeling’
Magnolia campbellii ‘Darjeeling’
The 1911 Magnolia campbellii stands out impressively amid the gloom. Started raining shortly after this.
1911 Magnolia campbellii
1911 Magnolia campbellii
Rhododendron ‘Ostara’ on the main ride is about 8ft tall and stands out well. Despite the mild winter few leaves remain on what is a semi deciduous Rhododendron mucronulatum hybrid.
Rhododendron ‘Ostara’
Rhododendron ‘Ostara’
To my surprise Magnolia ‘Philip Tregunna’ has snuck out only four days after I last checked it. Not full out yet by any means.
Magnolia ‘Philip Tregunna’
Magnolia ‘Philip Tregunna’
Another new clump of daffodils brightening up Kennel Close with a couple of young magnolias out in the distance. Rio is ‘mousing’ with little success.
The old Michelia doltsopa near the Acer griseum has blown open in the wind. The other big ones have no colour yet. This plant is out a good six weeks later than last year. Note the wonderful golden velvety indumentum on the bud covers and the hint of yellow/cream in the flowers as they first emerge. I believe this is really Michelia manipurense and not Michelia doltsopa. This is what JCW and Forrest thought anyway until the botanists started reclassifying in 1927. My article on all this and michelias is to be published soon.
old Michelia doltsopa
old Michelia doltsopa
old Michelia doltsopa
old Michelia doltsopa
Magnolia ‘Ians Red’ has popped open too. This is Ian Baldick’s New Zealand bred hybrid but, as we found once at Burncoose to our cost, it is a bit tender in a late frost. This killed stone dead a similar sized plant in 2012.
Magnolia ‘Ians Red’
Magnolia ‘Ians Red’
Camellia ‘Fairy’ was newly planted in 2016 and imported from France. Quite nice.
Camellia ‘Fairy’
Camellia ‘Fairy’
Magnolia ‘Sweet Sixteen’ was like this in early January last year.
Magnolia ‘Sweet Sixteen’
Magnolia ‘Sweet Sixteen’
Raining now but the New Zealand form of Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ has huge flowers and a very vibrant colour this year below Donkey Shoe.
New Zealand form of Magnolia ‘Lanarth’
New Zealand form of Magnolia ‘Lanarth’
2016 – CHW
The water meadows and lake are totally flooded for the second time this year. The lake a dark silty brown where the river has flowed in as it is not supposed to do. North east wind but mild and the magnolias have not taken it too badly.Above the Hovel in a good place is a 20 to 25 year old magnolia which is merely labelled as an ‘unknown seedling’. It is a nice thing and has improved from last year when it had only a few flowers. A hint of a Magnolia campbellii shape but much larger and darker than the nearby Magnolia campbellii ‘Lamellyn Pink’ which is still out after a month or so. Is it worth a name? Perhaps but we will have to see how much it fades and flops in the next couple of weeks.
Magnolia ‘unknown seedling’
Magnolia ‘unknown seedling’
Magnolia ‘unknown seedling’
Magnolia ‘unknown seedling’
Magnolia ‘unknown seedling’
Magnolia ‘unknown seedling’
Another deciduous azalea has decided to flower out of season. There is one at Burncoose and another here which has the same odd characteristic. Why?
deciduous azalea
deciduous azalea
deciduous azalea
deciduous azalea
A few paces on the first flowering we have seen (in the garden) of another Vance Hooper New Zealand creation. This time Magnolia ‘Mount Pironga’. A hint of purple at the base of the bud and flower about Magnolia ‘David Clulow’ in size and shape. Not as good as a new introduction as Magnolia ‘Plum Pudding’ or yesterday’s Magnolia ‘Cleopatra’ I suspect but very nice none the less.
Magnolia ‘Mount Pironga’
Magnolia ‘Mount Pironga’
Magnolia ‘Mount Pironga’
Magnolia ‘Mount Pironga’
Further on another Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ seedling which is flowering much more prolifically than ever before. It is nowhere near as good as its sister seedlings ‘Bishop Michael’ or ‘Bishop Peter’ but, although pale, it has the ‘Lanarth’ shape and is worth its place as the only ‘Lanarth’ on the drive. Pity it is a bit hidden away behind the Magnolia x proctoriana which is just about to come out and is now a big tree which I planted I or pre 1990.
Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ seedling
Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ seedling

2015 – CHW

CAMELLIA 'Kick Off' in 2015 at Caerhays
CAMELLIA ‘Kick Off’ in 2015
CAMELLIA 'Kick Off' closeup in 2015 at Caerhays
CAMELLIA ‘Kick Off’ closeup
Camellia ‘Kick Off’ from Trehane’s nursery about 10 years ago just out. Flowers are somewhat hidden within the foliage.

2001 – FJW
Foot and Mouth scare brings countryside to a frightened halt. C.H.W came to replant the island and then the big piece over the watermeadows. On looking back to 1911, I see little sign of Clematis chrysoma. After dry, now wet again.

1949 – CW
(Handwritten note attached to Garden Book page)
There are still white buds on Magnolia grandiflora and two Lapagerias quite perfect.
Magnolia campbelli at its best, several open flowers on one Mollicomata and 2 Robusta as well as Diva and one flower out on Dauroniana. Some on one Salicifolia. Several Prunus out.
Rho argenteum at its best and Rookery Blood Red Arboreum also many Sutchuenense. Some Lutescens good, also Ririei, Hookeri and others. Even one bit of Augustinii.
Mrs Butlers and Blood Reds good, some Crossbill well out. Golden Oriole coming out and a lot of others. Auklandii x Blood Red showing colour.
We have been marketing Pieris 2 weeks and are beginning corylopsis tomorrow.
Camellia reticulata species at their best especially the English seedlings that are earlier as rule than the Chinese. A lot of Daffodils out and about six different white trumpets etc but the few bought ones weeks behind own.
Camellia saluenensis and hybrids well past their best. A very early season.

1932 – JCW
Stewartianums are moving. Camellia speciosa has been very good.

1927 – JCW
No Tin Garden daffs opening excepting Cyclamineus x . Lady Clare open for a week 1 flower. C speciosa is very good, some Cuspidata opening. Japonica in Old Park very nice, never so big in the flower before. E darleyense well out but not so good as in some years. Sutchuenense x would be the best Rhodo’ but no flowers this year. Lutescens is the best.

1915 – JCW
Very few daffs open, it has been very wet since Christmas but not cold, yet the ground was too cold to let them grow. Erica hybrida is very beautiful.

1906 – JCW
C reticulata shows colour. Narcissi cernuus open and maximus shows colour.

1900 – JCW
Many Narcissi maximus, a large batch of transplanted H Irving, several Caerhays, a large lot of my own seedling trumpets.

1899 – JCW
Prunus triloba first flower, many cernuus, the Carlyon Arboreum open, most f the Rho praecox, Dauntlep well out and all the Maximus.

1897 – JCW
First waterlily leaf up in the big pond, crocus all over, first colour of grap tulips.