2025 – CHW
Magnolia sprengeri ‘Marwood Hill’ now more fully open.

About 50 riders in the rain at the Fourburrow Hunt Meet. Rather too wet for any antis presumably.

The view across to the drive from the front of The Vean today. Splendid in the sun.
2022 – CHW
Still a strongish east wind.
Magnolia ‘Fairy White’ is nearly over.

A shot of the record sized (height) Magnolia sargentiana var. robusta in all its finery, but a cloudy day, at Burncoose.
Then back to the greenhouse at Caerhays to see what was out in the greenhouses.
This is a small growing but true to form Magnolia mollicomata by the newer greenhouses with the true ‘lightbulb’ shaped flowers as they open.
Stewartia malacodendron
Magnolia fraseri
Magnolia ashei
Pinus yunnanensis (wild collected dwarf form from Yunnan)
2020 – CHW
The magnolia lecture and tour is completed with around half the 24 attendees actually turning up. Strong cold easterly winds pick up in the afternoon as Jaimie, Michael and I visit Tregrehan.
This is the original Trewithen form (ie George Johnstone’s) of Camellia reticulata. Very different to our 1931 plantings below Donkey Shoe.
2019 – CHW Higher Quarry Nursery now planted up with a nice crop of young rhododendrons from Glendoick. They will grow on here for around three years before being moved out into the garden itself.
2018 – CHW
On the train to London for the Garden Society dinner. Very few flowering plants on show for obvious reasons and no magnolias at all. Evelyn Boscawen had a nice display of Camellia reticulata varieties.
I showed Abies delavayi and Photinia prinophyllum which were photographed last Sunday.
2017 – CHW
A part planting day amid the usual chaos of the house opening for the first time and 40 Italians on the first house tour! Wet and noisy they were too.
The young Magnolia ‘Princess Margaret’ is not too bad but smaller flowers than the older plant which is more sheltered.
Off to Tregothnan with our gardening weekend guests where we are shown around by Evelyn Boscawen. Great and generational changes have been made to the gardens to replace windbreaks and to fell the huge Rhododendron ‘Cornish Red’ in the garden to rejuvenate them from the base.The rather horrible (if you do not like variegation) Rhododendron ‘President Roosevelt’ is out beside the summerhouse and flowering well in full sun now that the dying tree canopy of ilex oak and scots pine has been removed.
Rhododendron praestans above the ponds is a fantastic colour.

Rhododendron arboreum, the blood red form, is the best thing in the garden today.

What a pity there is not more time to look more closely at other rare plants (Maytenus boraria) or the huge number of other Camellia reticulatas in their national collection.
2015 – CHW
‘Magnolia Mania’ continues with yet another still day. We may be lucky tomorrow for the wedding. David and Jenny Knuckey (my long since retired partners from Burncoose) are doing Serena’s flowers. The nursery have failed to send up the bowls or oasis with the stockplants for the tent. Not a good start so I am keeping a low profile.

It is interesting to compare what the New Zealander’s sell as Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ against the true original Magnolia ‘Lanarths’ that still grow today at Lanarth near St Keverne on the Lizard Peninsula. True ‘Lanarth’ is a small growing and spreading magnolia of probably no more than 15 to 20 feet in height. The flowers are mollicomata shaped (ie lightbulb and cup as they open). It is a shy flowerer and one true plant took 50 years to flower here. The New Zealand form is much more erect and vigorous. The flowers are larger and more campbellii (ie erect) shaped in bud. If one had to choose which to grow yourself the New Zealander would win but that does not mean it is true to name!Exactly the same is true of the New Zealand Magnolia campbellii ‘Alba’ which is a very poor imitation of the real thing in every respect.

1972 – FJW
Magnolias nearly at their best – Donkey Shoe Robusta, Philip T, Campbellii and Caerhays Belle = first
1959 – FJW
Magnolias coming to their best. The prize must go to the Donkey Shoe Robusta. Campbellii excellent – no Michelia yet – Red Admirals in Beech Walk superb. Best Rho sutchuenense hyb above crino hedge – best show of Camellias on St Ewe hedge.
1943 – CW
Many daffodils over – part mild season – Magnolia campbelli mollicomata, Sargentiana, Campbellii over or nearly over – Michelia wonderful, some branches weighed down with flowers. Large lot of Rho Royal flush in 40 Acres. Blood red at its best. Auklandii arboreum beginning. Still some fuschias. Very dry.
1931 – JCW
Kobus is the first magnolia as in 1929. The blood red hybrids are good and so is Cam speciosa.
1929 – JCW
150 flowers on the early Kobus show white.
1926 – JCW
Isceuticum, Roxieanum, a new Irroratum and Martinianum all should flower for the first time this week.
1915 – JCW
Bob came in from France for two days. Frost last night hit the Thomsoni hybrids hard, Mrs Butler hybrids just coming on. Princep Mary not open, not much colour yet.
1911 – JCW
We are far from Princep Mary or Mag halleana. Argenteum and Arboreum nice, most of the Arboreums are over. Some Ciliatums over, some very nice, some double C reticulata.
1907 – JCW
We are now close to 1902. Caerhays trumpet is at its best. Anenome alpinina open, and Sir Watkin.
1904 – JCW
Some days behind the above but I picked some very nice P in seedlings, Horsfieldii out.
1902 – JCW
Several Princep Mary, North S, some C J Backhouse, an old Emperor, most of the Sir Watkin, a few M Humes, two King A, a fair lot of Magnolia halleana, saw the Tregothnan Rho argeteum with 300 flowers.
1901 – JCW
Snow which melts and none of the above open.
1898 – JCW
A few Princep Mary open and most of the Kate Spurrell.