2024 – CHW
A rotten at the base sycamore fell on a still night and blocked the path to Brunel Bridge. The American shooting party who were here yesterday were lucky (and so were we)!

Acer cappadocicum ‘Aureum’ with some yellow leaves but most already blown away.
George’s Hut tidied up ready for the water butt to catch the roof water. Two hydrangeas dug out.
Completed the autumn planting today; mainly in Old Park and Bond Street. Perhaps 250 new things in total planted out. Planting lists to do.Secondary new growth on Pittosporum bicolor by the Kennels in Old Park. Silvery in appearance.
Tilia cordata ‘Winter Orange’ now leafless and glowing in the sun.
A splendid Pinus wallichiana has been retired from attendance at the Chelsea flower shows and can now fill the open spot where the ilex oak fell on Friday night above the front door. It is a perfectly hardy species and it occurs to me that we already have one in an exposed site by Rookery Gate. Hopefully it will do better than the Pinus montezumae outside the front gate which died in a cold winter after 25 years.
2018 – CHW
Another visit to Tregrehan on Thursday to enjoy the wonders of this extraordinary garden with the Townsends.
Here are some highlights below,
The berries on this Cotoneaster frigidus ‘Inchmery’ really are now salmon-pink having started yellow.
The seed heads on Pseudopanax laetus are well formed but far from ripe. I planted this here on the main ride to annoy dad 30 years ago and it does not look that out of place today. A New Zealander by an ancient white camellia and under a Chinese maple.
2015 – CHW
Schefflera taiwaniana has seed pods at about 10 feet although I sadly missed the flowers themselves which appear to have been long racemes. This plant is at the very top of the garden.
In the Auklandii Garden a similar sized Schefflera alpina (from Crug) has similar racemes of black seeds although the leaves are very different and much larger. Again I missed the flowers despite looking through the summer.

I suspect a cold winter will put paid to the current fad for these Taiwanese exotica which I enjoy disliking.
2000 – FJW
Another very wet month (October) major floods over the country.
1950 – CW
Camellia hybrid in Big Quarry out and some opened indoors a week ago. Taliensis beginning. Several odd bits of Rho and also Sasanqua good.
1946 – CW
Several Camellia sasanqua out. Stable one best and earliest. Still some Auriculatum hybrids and all lots of Rho Yellow Hammer out. Viburnum fragrans at its best. Several (2 day at least) Glorious in Kitchen Garden out. Boiled 1945. Quite a lot out in Tin Garden.
1932 – JCW
Some C sasanqua in flower on the wall. Clematis panniculata is over.
1930 – JCW
Constant rain and wind but no frost yet. Camellia sasanqua is opening. May and I picked some nice Neriiflorum flowers and some yellow flowers off the yellow hybrid. Planting is very slow.
1901 – JCW
Nar corbularia clusii one flower open in a pot, some of the two batches of Maximus x Cyclamineus are coming up in the Tin Garden. Iris alata remains most beautiful. A dry cool east wind keeps the roses fresh.