11th March

Next Day > < Previous Day CONTRIBUTORS: FJW 1955-2007 CHW 2015- JCW 1897-1939 CW 1940-1955 2024 – CHW I need photographs for the website of Magnolia salicifolia ‘Rosea’ but it…

14th March

…‘Caerhays Belle’ Camellia x williamsii ‘Rosemary Williams’ and Magnolia ‘Caerhays Belle’. Camellia x williamsii ‘Rosemary Williams’ A sterile two year old female cone on Araucaria bidwillii which had fallen off…

19th May

…mother’s gardening era is a small bed of Iris siberica ‘Snow Queen’. Iris siberica ‘Snow Queen’ And one of her favourite roses. roses There was an Echium pininana height competition…

15th March

…Magnolia ‘Sunrise’ Magnolia ‘Avocet’ just out in the Isla Rose Plantation. Magnolia ‘Avocet’ Magnolia ‘Avocet’ Flowers nearly over on Buddleia tibetica. Buddleia tibetica A young plant in the nursery bed…

10th March

…days in October). The wire netting surrounds, ties and proper staking take far longer than the planting itself.Magnolia ‘Rebecca’s Perfume’ in the Isla Rose Plantation really does have a gorgeous…

3rd December

…when the beach is full in the summer. The council refused to do this a few years ago. car has rolled off 2017 – CHW Here is Isla Rose standing…

4th May

…garden views General garden views General garden views General garden views General garden views General garden views The best plants included: Rhododendron ‘Leonardslee Primrose’ Rhododendron ‘Leonardslee Primrose’ Rhododendron ‘Leonardslee Primrose’

6th June

…a new one for the nursery. Rosa ‘Kent’ Also Rosa ‘Sussex’. Rosa ‘Sussex’ Rosea gallica ‘Variegata’ is something rather special. Rosea gallica ‘Variegata’ The hydrangea beds all spaced and re-potted…

22nd March

…Hudson to look at forms of Magnolia sprengeri. We viewed about a dozen including a few hybrids.Daphne bholua ‘Mary Rose’ still full out while all the other varieties are well…

20th June

…Camellia ‘Kitty’ Styrax americanus has struggled with dieback in the exposed Isla Rose Plantation. Wrong place for it. Styrax americanus The odd new bit of reversion on Quercus cerris ‘Variegata’…