3rd February

variety. Half dead again – this one a scented variety 2022 – CHW A fallen leaf under Magnolia dealbata with its silvery underside. The last leaves fell only in mid-December….

28th August

…japonicum 2021 – CHW Myrcia laruotteana var. paraguayensis – many arguments over the correct name for this ‘myrtle’ but nice enough in flower. Myrcia laruotteana var. paraguayensis Myrcia laruotteana var.

2nd July

…Juglans nigra Davidia involucrata var. vilmoriniana has attractive bark and slightly different shaped leaves. Flowers long gone. Bark a bit different too. Davidia involucrata var. vilmoriniana Davidia involucrata var. vilmoriniana…

12th February

…the head gardener at Mount Congreve originally in 2007. Phyllocladus trichomanoides var. alpina Phyllocladus trichomanoides var. alpina I was wrong yesterday. Rhododendron ‘Bo Peep’ (pink form) is full out above…

24th November

…Seed heads on the record Trochodendron aralioides in Old Park. Trochodendron aralioides A good show on a young Photinia villosa var. coreana by the Dog Kennels. Photinia villosa var. coreana…

25th November

…formosanus is just turning yellow and the seeds are now ripe and starting to fall. Styrax formosanus var formosanus Styrax formosanus var formosanus Styrax faberi has largely fallen but there…

4th September

…within the tree. Only 10 years from planting. Sorbus commixta aff. var. sachalinensis Sorbus commixta aff. var. sachalinensis Crataegus schraderiana ‘Fire Ball’ with its first berries. The only one of…

29th January

…new varieties bred by Longstock are now available in the nursery trade. We still offer the Nanho strain of supposedly dwarf growing buddleia but the US bred ‘Buzz’ varieties are…

29th February

…Splendour’ on the drive untouched by the gales. Magnolia ‘Caerhays Splendour’ Magnolia ‘Caerhays Splendour’ An elderly Magnolia campbellii var. mollicomata on the drive just coming out. Magnolia campbellii var. mollicomata…

28th July

…for too much shade have now died or been eaten. Zanthoxylum nepalense var. oxyphyllum Zanthoxylum nepalense var. oxyphyllum Quercas suber blown over yet again. Wrong place for this too. Quercas…