25th July

…Ruby’ Styrax japonicus ‘Pendulus’ with a few tail end flowers after I would have expected it to be over. Styrax japonicus ‘Pendulus’ Hydrangea ‘Leanath’ making a fine show in the…

30th November

…aff.! I am being stupid! These are in fact the seeds! Ternstroemia aff. luteoflora (FMWJ 13360) Some decent colour on Styrax japonicus ‘Pendulus’. Not as good as last year. Styrax…

22nd November

…insect has laid its eggs on the underside of some leaves. Quercus dentata ‘Karl Ferris Miller’ Quercus dentata ‘Karl Ferris Miller’ Quercus dentata ‘Karl Ferris Miller’ Styrax japonicus ‘Pendulus’ is…

11th December

…yellow leaves holding on on Styrax japonicus ‘Pendulus’. Not as good a show as last year. Styrax japonicus ‘Pendulus’ 2020 – CHW The ancient pale form of Camellia saluenensis is…

7th December

…japonius ‘Pendulus’ with its usual exceptional autumn show. I have missed the very best of it by a few days. Styrax japonius ‘Pendulus’ Camellia japonica ‘Reigyoku’ with its first flower…

31st May

…a huge crop of seeds but this has drained the energy of the plants. Styrax japonicus ‘Pendulus’ is a case in point. Styrax japonicus ‘Pendula’ Cornus kousa ‘Satomi’ is coming…

11th July

…plant on a bank which it weeps over so one can look up at it. Not as weeping as Stryrax japonica ‘Pendulus’ (white flowers) but droopy and hides its beauty….