24th June

…sieboldii I have missed the flowers on Magnolia rostrata this year. Magnolia rostrata Schefflera species Nova (NJM 13.118) with its gigantic new growth. Schefflera species Nova Metapanax davidii with slug…

5th February

…best on Bond Street. Camellia x williamsii ‘St Ewe’ Camellia x williamsii ‘St Ewe’ Mahonia species Nova from Roy Lancaster still looking wonderful on Bond Street. Mahonia species Nova Laurel…

14th July

nova (BWJ 15185) making good progress in a hot dry spot where it was planted last autumn. The other one above the Auklandii, planted three or four years ago, is…

23rd May

…ever flowering here of Merrilliopanax alpinus (BWJ 13939) above HQN. Merrilliopanax alpinus (BWJ 13939) Merrilliopanax alpinus (BWJ 13939) Parastyrax sp. nova (BSWJ 15185) very vigorously into leaf. Parastyrax sp. nova

21st January

…first time. A gift from Roy Lancaster which he believes is a ‘species Nova’ and, as yet, unnamed. mahonia mahonia mahonia Snowdrops on Bond Street at their best. Snowdrops Seven…

22nd September

…sp. nova BWJ15185 Paulownia taiwaniana BSWJ7134 Photinia serratifolia v. ardisifolia NMWJ14513 Rhodoleia aff. Henry (DJHV0640 or BSWJ11782-two labels on a plant) Rhodoleia parvipetala FMWJ13422 Schefflera gracilis HWJ622 Stachyurus macrocarpus BSWJ14678…

2nd March

…This may be a typo for ‘Mazeppa’ which is a synonym for Magnolia ‘Anne Rosse’ x Magnolia ‘Anne Rosse’ raised in Nova Scotia, Canada from seed collected by Philippe de…