24th April
…Well worth growing. Dicentra ‘Valentine’ Dicentra ‘Valentine’ Acer platanoides ‘Crimson King’ in full flower beside the Crawshay’s church. Acer platanoides ‘Crimson King’ Back to Llanfair Court for the grand opening…
…Well worth growing. Dicentra ‘Valentine’ Dicentra ‘Valentine’ Acer platanoides ‘Crimson King’ in full flower beside the Crawshay’s church. Acer platanoides ‘Crimson King’ Back to Llanfair Court for the grand opening…
…Shoe. Magnolia campbellii ‘Valentine’s Torch’ Magnolia campbellii ‘Valentine’s Torch’ A nursery visit and larger camellias look good by the sales point. camellias camellias The Hellebores look good too beside the…
…put up an exhibition of the x williamsii camellias bred at Caerhays. x williamsii camellias x williamsii camellias Our Magnolia campbellii ‘Valentine’s Torch’ (as this yellow in bud campbellii has…
…in the new Styrax plantation. Polyspora longicarpa Polyspora longicarpa Nothing showing yet on Magnolia campbellii ‘Valentine’s Torch’. Magnolia campbellii ‘Valentine’s Torch’ Camellia reticulata full out above the Aucklandii Garden. Camellia…
…indica Persea indica Buds swelling on Lindera communis. Lindera communis Magnolia campbellii ‘Valentine’s Torch’ showing very little yellow this year in its blown open flowers. Magnolia campbellii ‘Valentine’s Torch’ Very…
…Magnolia campbellii ‘Valentine’s Torch’. Yellow as it opens fading to white. Again too high up to photograph properly. Originally from a graft gifted to us by Mount Congreve. Magnolia campbellii…
…white ones. It sports both colours on the same bush. Camellia ‘Adelina Patti’ Camellia ‘Adelina Patti’ The yellowish Magnolia campbellii ‘Valentine’s Torch’ is now properly out. Magnolia campbellii ‘Valentine’s Torch’…
…better colour in the sun. Magnolia campbellii The largest Magnolia campbellii ‘Valentine’s Torch’ is just starting. Unlike the other one which we saw last week this has not been blown…
…but not this early! Acer rufinerve ‘Erythrocladum’ Magnolia campbellii ‘Valentine’s Torch’ with its first big crop of seeds. As a very early flowerer it normally sees its flowers frosted. Well…
…A third plant of Magnolia campbellii ‘Valentine’s Torch’ with its first flowers. Magnolia campbellii ‘Valentine’s Torch’ Lizzie’s mum’s wreath has survived the storms at the front door here. wreath First…