17th February

…sprengeri ‘Dusty Pink’ Magnolia sprengeri ‘Dusty Pink’ Magnolia ‘Princess Margaret’. Magnolia ‘Princess Margaret’ The Magnolia campbellii above Crinodendron Hedge perfect in the gloom and rain. Magnolia campbellii above Crinodendron Hedge…

6th November

…a smallish Magnolia ‘Princess Margaret’ from the heat of the bonfire. Branches protecting Magnolia ‘Princess Margaret’ 2021 – CHW Amid heavy showers some topical tip website videos with Karol. This…

30th May

…gift of Hydrangea ‘Princess Diana’ hardly out yet. Odd leaves. Hydrangea ‘Princess Diana’ Malus trilobata with a tremendous flower and a very distinct leaf. Excellent species which I have never…

17th December

…Despite trimming some lower branches a Magnolia ‘Princess Margaret’ has nearly fallen over and part of its roots have rotted off. Still buds showing for next spring though. Magnolia ‘Princess

1st May

…this species to layer this year below Donkey Shoe. Rhododendron floccigerum Rhododendron ‘Princess Alice’ at its best above the greenhouse. Rhododendron ‘Princess Alice’ Need to work out the names for…

9th July

…Aesculus x woerlitzensis Aesculus x woerlitzensis Hoheria ‘Glory of Amlwch’ just coming into flower. Hoheria ‘Glory of Amlwch’ A huge seed head forming on Magnolia ‘Princess Margaret’. Magnolia ‘Princess Margaret’…

15th April

…Magnolia ‘Crystal Chalice’ Magnolia ‘Raspberry Fun’ Magnolia ‘Raspberry Fun’ Magnolia ‘Betty Jessel’ – what a colour! Magnolia ‘Betty Jessel’ Magnolia ‘Betty Jessel’ Magnolia ‘Princess Margaret’ Magnolia ‘Princess Margaret’ 2017 –…

24th May

…Jaimie is preparing a batch of Magnolia grandiflora bark to be sent off to a perfume manufacturer. A slow tedious job but another use for a magnolia! Magnolia grandiflora bark…

7th September

…x ‘Lanarth’ NZ 7. ‘Rebecca’s Perfume’ x ‘Betty Jessel’ 8. ‘Philip Tregunna’ x ‘Felix Jury’ 9. ‘Philip Tregunna’ x ‘Darjeeling’ 10. ‘Angelica’ x i ‘Darjeeling 11. ‘Angelica’ x ‘Betty Jessel’…

23rd March

…‘Charles Raffill’ is coming out. Very similar to Magnolia ‘Princess Margaret’ I think. Magnolia ‘Charles Raffill’ Magnolia ‘Charles Raffill’ Another young Magnolia ‘Felix Jury’ with its first ever flower. Magnolia…