13th April

…shooting away nicely after the cold. Cardiocrinum giganteum A few cardiocrinum plants are producing flowering spikes. These have been put aside for Chelsea. Cardiocrinum giganteum A new plant to us;…

12th May

…flower Beschorneria flower The Cardiocrinum giganteum however has not moved much into flower. Very fat stalk but little progress sadly. Cardiocrinum giganteum Cardiocrinum giganteum Look how perfect this Acer palmatum…

8th July

…quite globose at all. Buddleia globosa Campsis x tagliabuana ‘Grenadene’ is a good new addition to the website. Orange-red on opening then turning redder. Campsis x tagliabuana ‘Grenadene’ Cardiocrinum giganteum…

1st May

…Flowers coming on the actinidias. Actinidia This Cardiocrinum giganteum has a huge flowering spike. Can we get it in flower in time? With a warm fortnight perhaps. Cardiocrinum giganteum The…

21st July

…in the nursery already. Cyclamen hederifolium Odd to see mature seed heads on carpenteria so early. mature seed heads on carpenteria Seed forming on Cardiocrinum giganteum in the show tunnel….