20th April

…(BSWJ 12535) looking healthy. Persea indica (BSWJ 12535) Unusual new growth on Neolitsea polycarpa. Neolitsea polycarpa Similarly fine new growth on Osmanthus fragrans f. thunbergii which I have yet to…

Visit to Tregrehan – 5th October

…fragrans var. aurantiacus – the yellow/orange form rather than the white flowering one. Growing here in the greenhouse and tenderish but a large shrub or small tree with sweet scent….

3rd November

…Stable one best and earliest. Still some Auriculatum hybrids and all lots of Rho Yellow Hammer out. Viburnum fragrans at its best. Several (2 day at least) Glorious in Kitchen…

9th February

…phospate put on the Big Vib. fragrans, Meliosma veitchiorum, the most western Euonymus fimbriatus (note correct name: Lucidus), one Vaccinium ovatum. Several other plants? The small Reevesia The single Corylopsis…

23rd January

…Viburnum fragrans, Magnolia salicifolia, Quercus spicata, Quercus glabra, Farrers Oak, Nothofagus dombeyi, Betula albo sinensis of Wilson, one cherry not the true Pilosiuscula. 1922 – JCW In advance of 1918….