17th May

…Rhododendron ‘Silberwolke’? Rhododendron ‘Hachmann’s Polaris’ Rhododendron ‘Hachmann’s Polaris’ My rhododendron naming may be a bit inaccurate but these were taken during a wedding! 2021 – CHW A welcome sight. Large…

1st June

…flower. Michelia ‘Allspice’ Rhododendron ‘Polaris’ (‘Hachmann’s Polaris’) performing well at Donkey Shoe. Rhododendron ‘Polaris’ Rhododendron ‘Polaris’ Dramatic new growth on Schefflera delavayi at Donkey Shoe. Schefflera delavayi And also on…

13th May

…loderi which I usually miss during Chelsea week is out early. Quite a sight today. Rhododendron loderi Rhododendron loderi A young group of three Rhododendron ‘Polaris’ flowering nicely. Rhododendron ‘Polaris’…

12th May

…‘Semiola’ has no flowers yet. Nice leaves but hide it in the background perhaps. Hydrangea petiolans ‘Semiola’ Rhododendron ‘Polaris’ should be fine to go. Rhododendron ‘Polaris’ Now to the show…