26th November

…the secondary new growth is still green and growing. It was last December as well. Quercus buckleyi Quercus buckleyi Quercus buckleyi I sold two Acer palmatum ‘Atropurpureum’ to a shooting…

15th October

…today but risky indeed in an early frost. Quercus buckleyi Quercus buckleyi A seed on a Magnolia grandiflora on the Top Wall which may, in time, contain viable seeds. Only…

27th June

…tree has been photographed as semi evergreen. Quercus buckleyi Quercus buckleyi Acer laevigatum with bronzy-red new growth which looks (and probably is) tenderish. Planted this year and apparently semi-evergreen (MWJ…

19th September

…red on some of the younger leaves on Quercus buckleyi. Quercus buckleyi Quercus buckleyi As usual the yellow autumn colours on Cladastris kentuckea have appeared early. The colour may be…

27th December

…I am happy to assume. 2015 – CHW Back in the land of the living and out and about again! Quercus buckleyi still has plenty of leaf on it and…

2nd August

…Q. buckleyi beside it sadly blew over. Two elderly and now dead sycamores above Burns Bank. The very last flower on the last camellia to be in flower in the…